Hottest boys in the world - 4 Lily -, getting NSFW

Eww, hottest boys in the world? What are you guys, a buncha pedos?

You sick fat fucks.

I’m researching for my next book…

<- hawt

This thread needs some attention:

Looks like Frank Shamrock.
thread winner![/IMG]"]

Nice pantaloons you got there.

Who the hell is Rancid (before the name change)?

Look dude, I feel really bad for you. You seem like a lonely kinda guy but only topless shots will do on this thread.

What the hell is the point of this thread? The wimminz of Bullshido already get there own man version of "Hotest girlz’ call ‘Liquord, Loot…Ladies?’.

I feel a helluva lot better after reading this thread. My penis is bigger than any of those nancy boys’.

…What. I was just comparing!


Dam!..even mine?


It’s that damn faggot Tonuzaba! He started it. F*cking chunner!


Denial, anybody? :biggrin:

Denial? Naw, I am just so full of salty man love I had to release a bit before I burst.

The great thing is that I now have Tharuz and SoulMechanic on Ignore.

Cary on lily, do what you will.


i approve.

besides, this thread is a total fagfest.

i like real men. like

harland williams

nick depaolo and artie lang

lenny bruce

emo phillips

man… i’d be all over these whitebread muthas like mayonnaise.