Honesty - Asriel has boobies in his avatar.

And this has exactly WHAT to do with “martial arts sports discussion”?

I would just like to point out that I am completely mezmorized by Asriel’s avatar.

I stumbled upon it today and knew you lads would appreciate it.

Thank you Asriel. You have the BEST avatars.

I was just thinking that… In fact, my precise train of thought was “blah blah kung fu, blah blah idiot, blah blah… ooh boobies! I love Asriels avatars… Stare

We need a poll trying to decide who has the overall best ones. They can upload a bunch of their avatars from the past as well. Let’s stick Axelton in there for his current contribution.

Culled from:

Asriel, you should bring your boobies over to Sociocide more often. Here’s a good post to start at: http://www.sociocide.com

Holy crap. I wanna go do some yoga!


LOL you stumbled across Faith from In Bed With Faith dot com?
You done some one-handed stumblin’ there Asriel? :slight_smile:

Actually mate I was doing a Google Search on the word ‘pigtails’.

How the hell do you know who it is?

Hmmm that really sounds worse.

I have a friend who had a pic of her on his phone and claimed her as a conquest*… we saw the logo on the bottom of the pic and googled her. Very enlightening.
I’m pretty sure it’s her.
Nyam nyam nyam.

*Lying bastard.

Yep that’s much better.

The Sexually Frustrated Misadventures of Bullshido’s Worst Posters

The Irony Laden Posting Of Bullshido’s Least Amusing Gimmick Poster.:thumbsup:

Faith is the shit. Chloe vevrier is teh win tho.

Ja der fine German boobies! Too damn hairy though.
I mean her underarms, goddammmit!

Oh the irony