And this has exactly WHAT to do with “martial arts sports discussion”?
I would just like to point out that I am completely mezmorized by Asriel’s avatar.
I stumbled upon it today and knew you lads would appreciate it.
Thank you Asriel. You have the BEST avatars.
I was just thinking that… In fact, my precise train of thought was “blah blah kung fu, blah blah idiot, blah blah… ooh boobies! I love Asriels avatars… Stare”
We need a poll trying to decide who has the overall best ones. They can upload a bunch of their avatars from the past as well. Let’s stick Axelton in there for his current contribution.
Asriel, you should bring your boobies over to Sociocide more often. Here’s a good post to start at:
Holy crap. I wanna go do some yoga!
LOL you stumbled across Faith from In Bed With Faith dot com?
You done some one-handed stumblin’ there Asriel?
Actually mate I was doing a Google Search on the word ‘pigtails’.
How the hell do you know who it is?
Hmmm that really sounds worse.
I have a friend who had a pic of her on his phone and claimed her as a conquest*… we saw the logo on the bottom of the pic and googled her. Very enlightening.
I’m pretty sure it’s her.
Nyam nyam nyam.
*Lying bastard.
Yep that’s much better.
The Sexually Frustrated Misadventures of Bullshido’s Worst Posters
The Irony Laden Posting Of Bullshido’s Least Amusing Gimmick Poster.
Faith is the shit. Chloe vevrier is teh win tho.
Ja der fine German boobies! Too damn hairy though.
I mean her underarms, goddammmit!
Oh the irony