HiThere almost causes a derail

What is one of the signs that you have been at Bullshido too long?

When you tell other people you need Ritalin.

What’s next? You gonna tell people you need therapy? You gonna tell them you are delusional? You gonna tell them you live in your mom’s basement?

The shit here will corrode your brain and train you to talk to yourself the way that everyone here talks to each other.

I wish that tkd, karate, chunners, ninja people would have to face skilled fighters like they did in the first ufc’s :smiley: It is all I want for Christmas

Awww look. It thinks it’s clever. Give it another peanut.

And I want people like you to realize that a double leg take down won’t cut it any more. Because while people from other styles noticed they lack certain skills and they did something about it, some BJJ people, like you for instance, still think they are the uber, while this is true for some, it is not for most.
I don’t know why but some times I just want to gong sau ignorant people.

I don’t train bjj, but :wink: whatever… I didn’t really say anything about any double leg take downs either… “because while people from other styles noticed they lack certain skills and they did something about it,” Really now… did they. Gosh what an ignorant little twat I am:D so all those wonderfull aikidoka’s and karateka’s and chunner’s are now immune to the double leg take down? hmm I guess bjj is rendered useless then.

I’ve told you about this before happeh. GET BACK IN YOUR FUCKING BOX.

How was happeh not been banned yet? I’ve seen videos and read writings of rambling schizophrenics who haven’t taken their medications and are completely out of their minds that make more sense than any of his posts.


I like weed.