I’m not a Hangeul master, but I do know this: It’s actually “taekwondo” with a K. Unlike words like gimchee/kimchee which start with the letter gee-uk, the kwon starts with kee-uk, a letter that indicates a hard K sound, not the “blended G/K” sound.
oh no he didn’t…
grabs popcorn…waits with zen like patience.
^^^^ and ^^^^
pretty much my mindset.
Well, we are overlooking one thing about this - they were told they could go so far, and then they very carefully, delibrately, took it farther. THEN they put video of them taking it farther, in a school facility, with their real names, on the internet.
It’s also kind of obvious they were starting an MMA club and selling it to the school as a “self defense” club.
If I had a nickel for every time someone wasted time arguing about how to romanize asian gibberish on this forum, I’d have enough nickels to buy a sock, and nickels left to put in it.
I’d probably get in trouble with that kind of equipment.
I think I’m mixed on this one- the only logical choice is that they never should have allowed the club in the first place.
possibly they could work it where any real contact training and sparring took place off school grounds, but then how would the administartor of the club fit in?
I can see why a school wouldn’t want a full contact sparring session on its grounds, on many levels there is too many issues for a school to deal with that isn’t prepared to.
for a “club” i can’t see a school doing it.
so in a choice between “have a crappy club that gives students the illusion that they can defend themselves” and “no club at all”
I think I would prefer to see the latter- it isn’t really my choice though.
You sure seem to think you know alot about Asia for a guy linving in Baltimore, MD
Type out Taegwondo, Taekwondo, Taikwon-do, whatever in Hangeul.
Use Seoul Romaja to romanize it.
Then tell me I’m wrong.
Better yet, type out the Hanja using your IME. In order to get the proper Hanja for “fist” you’ll need to be able to spell it in Hangeul correctly.
Then spell it using Seoul romaja.
Then tell me I’m wrong.
E-Van…stick around. The show has only just begun.
Oh shit.
whips out chair turns off TV
So we get rid of guns and no child will ever be bullied again. :seppuku:
Adjust your sarcasmometer, my son.
‘Fight Club’ Video Brings Mixed Martial Arts To Light
DAVIE COUNTY, N.C. – If monitored by trained referees and coaches, mixed martial arts can be a good way to protect yourself and stay in shape.
But as seen in video posted on MySpace that shows two Davie County High School teens violently punching each other, it can also get out of control.
Ken Ring, a local promoter and fight manager, told WXII the real danger comes from lack of knowledge and lack of respect for the sport.
“It’s violence as opposed to an accident,” Ring said. “A kid falling off a skateboard is one thing, but a kid intentionally breaking another kid’s arm – well that carries its own social ramifications beyond just the accident and beyond the injury.”
The fight at Davie County High School came to light Wednesday after WXII notified the school system that the video was posted on MySpace.
The martial arts club, which was started at the school at the request of students and a faculty member, was created to teach students and faculty members self-defense, as well as restraint and discipline, the school said.
Full-contact fighting was not permitted and the teacher who oversaw the club, Mark Reierstad, has been suspended for 10 days without pay.
The school said Reierstad was a German teacher at the school.
Most people WXII spoke with said what the video shows is simply kids mimicking what they see on TV – especially sports termed “extreme”.
“The reality is when you break your arm or hurt somebody, it’s still broken,” Ring added. “It’s not like a TV show. I can turn it off and tomorrow everything’s cool. It’s not that way at all.”
A local wrestling coach said extreme wrestling and high school wrestling are vastly different sports.
"Your goal is to pin your opponent or outscore him, and in (mixed martial arts) it’s generally to force submission, said James Alexander, wrestling coach at Reynolds High School.
He also said wrestling is very safe even compared to other “traditional” sports.
“All the rules are designed around the safety of the athlete and you’ve only got one official for two individuals,” he said.
But that doesn’t mean mixed martial arts are all bad. Proper training and education is the key – along with playing by the rules.
“MMA is designed with rules and safety in mind, just to a different extent,” Alexander said.
This is really getting a lot more coverage than I expected.
Insurance. It’s the same reason my ma club was shotdown at my high school.
I love the agism we see all the time. Kids are so fucking stupid in the minds of the bovine public that if they saw someone COOL on TV light himself on fire, they’d do it, and all the things they do or say or wear are ALL obviously imitated, against their will, by the people on the glow-box that program our teenagers at night.
also, “Extreme wrestling?”
On the other hand, they did mention that MMA isn’t totally evil, which is a step in the right direction.
Were you aware of the “backyard wrestling” phenomenom back in the 90s when every moron and his brother was behind their house hitting each other with cheese graters and fluorescent light bulbs, trying to be like Mick Foley or Stone Cold Steve Austin? I’m sure every major news show did a story on it at least once, and it usually made professional wrestling seem like a major portent of the apocolypse.
Never mind the fact that anybody who has ever worked a match for real knows:
Somehow they all got blamed for the fact that people, especially young people, tend to be idiots. Backyard MMA is going to be just as bad, wait and see.
So X-treme cycling = X-treme Wrestling? (whatever the fuck that is)
Lurk more, post less?
Man, Errant, first it was new2bjj “confirming” (in his mind) that you were a small-dicked Oriental, and now E-Van is using a broken sarcasmometer to guess what you know or don’t know based on your current state of residence. You are becoming a shit magnet, dude. :tongue3:
The interweebz is fucking beautiful, man.
It’s called Tae Kwon Do in the UK, and we’re more educated than Americans.