if i get enough request i will start my own thread, but i am enjoying the many threads here, cuz lots of people here are realistic and entertaining. suplexes do work in the streets, i saw my then teenager nephew do it to a bully kid long time ago, lucky for that kid he showed much restraint. I have also seen it done in a convention center dance club on new years a number of years ago, damn gangs (can’t tell when everyone is dressed to impressed) messed the whole event by having kung fu theater wannabe fights. women fighting, throwing chairs, beer bottles and some young adult did a flying kick and ended up 10 feet way too short from his intended target, another gang banger. I had to to be a snitch and go downstairs and find the security morons who were not doing their job to call the police while me and my friends quickly left. When SWAT comes in, they mean business. I know, I had training with SWAT teams. Their thinking of MMA is mixed bullets! a choice of 9mm, 5.56mm or the good ol 12 gauge or rubber bullets.
I have my share of real fights many times including military combat purposes, but if you ask people who have been in real fights, different scenarios and different outcomes. Some MMA stuff may work and some WON’T even if a champion MMA fighter used a certain technique, it may not work in the real world where multiple attackers, weapons, environment and all sorts of obstacles are involved including emotions, responses including clothing.
How many people are going to fight barefooted wearing gloves, mouth piece and in a cage?
they guy who loses in a cage match in an MMA EVENT may also win in a street fight against the same person when these conditions are DIFFERENT like having a STEEL TOED BOOTS and wearing BRASS KNUCKLE or even wearing a bicycle helmet and elbow and knee pads or if he simply takes his belt out and use it to CHOKE or whip the other person who defeat him in MMA.
GERBIL WISDOM will set you FREE!
nope, IF YOU STUDY GERBIL PHILOSOPHY, it’s not cocaine, maybe COKE A COLA, it’s DELUSIONS, usually from having a sleep disorder or dealing with too many assholes in the internet!
sorry for your disappointment, I don’t take drugs and neither does the gerbil disciples,
but then again, ISN’T MMA EVENTS A DRUG?
cage fighting, octogan, ufc crap is not real martial arts and far from REAL FIGHTING IN THE STREETS, OR REAL WORLD ESPECIALLY WARFARE. what makes me sick is the BJJ MORONS. who think that all fights are ONE ON ONE and ends in the ground 80% OF THE TIME in which they expect to efficiently place someone on a chokehold or lock with their guard/mounted position. Is the streets padded? When you fall and end up in the ground is it always going to be padded and are you going to be barefooted wearing trunks or a gi?
is there gonna be a referee to break up? is there going to be rules, NO CRACK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD, NO GOUGING OR USE OF A BOTTLE OR A KEY to keep the grappler from finishing his or her hold? grappling is good for some of the time but not all the time, bjj gives so much false arrogance to those who practice it. ANYTHING GOES in the real world and just because you can lock someone on a cage, may never happen in the real world
you can put down jews as much as you can, but the worst kind of people are MUSLIM, no one is more PSYCHOTIC AND EVIL THAN A MUSLIM. at least jews contribute to the world, muslim use death and destruction and RACISM towards everyone not a screwed up muslim. krav maga is an effective art used in world war 2 by the founder. bjj like islam is a piece of crap, ARROGANT AND WORTHLESS!
THE CRAPPIEST ART OF THEM ALL IS A FAKE ART CALLED BRAZILLIAN JIU JITSU made for homosexuals. It’s not a real art since it’s stolen from the japanese and bastardized to make themselves look good. BJJ SUCKS like the founder. They only fight if it’s based on their rules and based on a dojo or cage match. You ask bjj to fight using your weapon outside in the streets, he’ll just talk crap LOUDLy and won’t do anything like a typical sissy. They sound TOUGH in the internet like YOUTUBE ETC. but in the real world, outside their dojos…they’re lost without their sissy rules
TYPICAL REPSPONSE BY A BJJ TROLL…keep believing your bjj will save your stupid self, IT WILL GET YOU KILLED in the real world. stick to the original jiu jtisu which is from japan not brazil. BJJ spoofs are the TROLLS, limited in knowledge and limited in reality. Only half brained wanna bes DEFEND that fake art to the teeth. bjj is far from being a mixed martial art. haa haa to the idiots who defends this sorry gracie crap art
kenpo is a good art when applied correctly. It’s part of the kajukenbo (adrian emperado’s)system. which I also have studied. Remember don’t let the BJJ only crowd intimidate your chosen art…all real arts especially traditional has their place and don’t let them fake bjj put down your art, they don’t live in the real world, but in the world of MMA sport. sport is sport and in the martial arts, there’s the self defense/philosophy training, and there’s the sport element, must separate the two. the bjj bullshidos think they’re dojo challenges determines what happens in the streets, therefore knocking traditionalists, how naive!