Hung Fa Yi seems like they need an expose. I figure I’m not completely tied down in a school yet. I know where I’m going to train but, can’t until my schedule frees up a little more. In other words when I start my new style I want to be totally committed.
Anyway I can check out the head quarters and take a free lesson. I figure I’ll do this and go for a month to confirm Ghostdog88’s assertions.
They’ve already admitted on this board to paying $20,000 for ‘discipleship’ which entitles them to ‘unlimited free training with the master’ even though ‘the master’ isn’t available to most of them geographically.
I haven’t been following the HFY stuff, I’ve heard about them before and vaguely remember paying that $ for discipleship. That’s a joke in itself, paying any $ for discipleship.
So, if you are willing to infiltrate, I think that’s great. We need to get you as many questions, based on their claims as we can so that you can come back with names and answers.
This would be great Is It Fake, thanks for stepping up.
Oh yes questions are good. If any are presented I will ask them in a round about way.
Cullion I won’t get sucked into discipleship. I just want to see if they push fees ala West Wind and Chinese Shaolin Center (don’t get me started) or if it is truly voluntary.
I will go through the threads and show their claims.
I work evenings so I won’t be able to get in until next Tuesday. I’m going in for the intro class.
I’m already leery because they offer a discount for future classes if you go through their website to set up the intro class. Which, of course, I did.
If it is under a hundred I will stay for 2 months. Over I’ll probably do a month. That is if they have a no- contract policy. Same applies if they have a 3 month contract I may do it for that period of time if the price is right.
So, don’t expect anything soon unless it is such crap that I won’t waste my time. In other words some type of obvious XMA, Wushu, or such.
Benny himself is coming down next Saturday. So, I’m going to try to get the day off and go to the seminar.
it is fake whew discipleship theres a good one . in my style and the old orginization we do have disciples . it works like this you start as a student and pay a small fee or non (depends on the teacher) . before as a student you would call the teacher a instructor not sifu. sifu is a family term and as a student your not family . if one worked hard enough and had other attributes you might be asked if you were interested in becomeing a disciple. at the cerimony thiers tea and a ritual of respect for style and country. you gave li ci to ci-gung and now your sifu and are put in the lineage. as have been accepted by both instuctor and his sifu you become a part of a martial arts family. then youll will have si-so and si-di ect. its been made into a money grabber by unscrupulous teachers . and the li ci is the only money that you will ever pay. my sifu and l are still on good terms as well as some others . so it can work and is used in china for anything between a apprentice and his master at goldsmithing, cooking and at one time even marriage . as a disciple you become part of his family in more ways than just learning a art. l am putting this in as l have heard so many times its a rippoff ect so l thought l would explain the proper way and what it means. l have never paid a dime since to learn and are accepted within his blood family . oh yes and what you pay is usually dependant on your financial condition .