Hey man, this music sucks!

The mods must be trolling since this thing was moved out of YMAS to the MABS forum instead of in trollshido, where it belongs.

Hey man, this music sucks!

Yeah, those crazy tire iron wielding “PCP cranked” maniacs are a menace, aint they? It’s a good thing we have iron fisted karate nerds protecting our local night clubs from these psychos! Boy I sure would never want to fight someone who was on PCP, they might fall over in my direction or blather incoherently at me.

So, on your planet, angel-dust makes people “fall over and blather incoherently”.

You might want to look that up.

Last person I saw on dust was being dragged from court (College and Yonge street, Toronto) to detox by five cops–and, yes, it took that many. No doubt your 118 pounds of pillow-fisted rodent fury would have gotten through his PCP-deadened pain-receptors and resolved that situation raaat quick.

Meanwhile, if the patrons of bars near you, who get ejected, NEVER come back with whatever they can get out of their trunks and threaten staff with it, then you live in a raaat nice-like part o’ town.

Just another genius talking about an occupation of which they know precisely squat. Thanks for the useful input, though.

[quote=Vieux Normand;2130125]So, on your planet, angel-dust makes people “fall over and blather incoherently”.

You might want to look that up.

Last person I saw on dust was being dragged from court (College and Yonge street, Toronto) to detox by five cops–and, yes, it took that many. No doubt your 118 pounds of pillow-fisted rodent fury would have gotten through his PCP-deadened pain-receptors and resolved that situation raaat quick.

Meanwhile, if the patrons of bars near you, who get ejected, NEVER come back with whatever they can get out of their trunks and threaten staff with it, then you live in a raaat nice-like part o’ town.

Just another genius talking about an occupation of which they know precisely squat. Thanks for the useful input, though.[/quote]

PCP is a dissociative. 99 out of 100 people on it just sit there and don’t do shit for about a week. It happens to be one of the most effective anesthetics known to man, as well - meaning if it does occur to someone on PCP to do something like “punch a car windshield” they will probably be able to see it done - but most people on it aren’t aggressive.

Did you happen to blood test this guy or do you just “know” he was on PCP because of your extensive street lifestyle?

Also, do you have any bouncing stories that aren’t painfully generic?

Finally, if you’re working in a club where people routinely come to the door and threaten you with weapons, quit. Only a macho asshole would work in that kind of situation for what bouncers are payed.

[quote=JohnnyCache;2130134]PCP is a dissociative. 99 out of 100 people on it just sit there and don’t do shit for about a week. It happens to be one of the most effective anesthetics known to man, as well - meaning if it does occur to someone on PCP to do something like “punch a car windshield” they will probably be able to see it done - but most people on it aren’t aggressive.

Did you happen to blood test this guy or do you just “know” he was on PCP because of your extensive street lifestyle?[/quote]
I might agree that 99% of randomly chosen people might “just sit there and don’t do shit for about a week” on dust, but my experience is that a great many people on dust are violent. I conclude that the segment of the population inclined towards PCP not a random sample, but a violent sample. I have known people to smoke dust because they plan on looking for a fight.

Well, yeah, if you KNEW you were gonna get into a fight, it would be great stuff to be on…in terms of not feeling it. In terms of getting knifed, though, my personal opinion has always been that getting stabbed and dying is only a little worse then getting stabbed, killing the stabber, and dying a little later.

Cops involved told me afterwards.

Also, do you have any bouncing stories that aren’t painfully generic?

Why would I? It’s a punch-in, do-the-shift, punch-out kind of job. You may have imagined somebody describing it as “glamourous” and/or “cool”. Your imaginings are your problem, not mine.

Finally, if you’re working in a club where people routinely come to the door and threaten you with weapons, quit. Only a macho asshole would work in that kind of situation for what bouncers are payed.

What do you consider “routinely”? A couple of times a month might be the yearly average, but nobody knows when it’ll be. Some ejectees just wander off, some get taken to the tank by the cops, but a few ejectees (or individuals banned for previous infractions) will pay us a “return visit”. Meanwhile, the pay isn’t bad for the kind of work, but much depends on the specific venue. My establishment pays well or I wouldn’t work there.

Read post # 198. That’s what I was responding to.

Do you work for greasy guys in their 40s and 50s running bars? You can’t really work doors or bars until you’re 21, but I guess 8 years is just dabbling to a Dalton of your XP level.

Yes, they’re in their forties and fifties. So am I. What of it?

It’s not REMOTELY analogous to “Driving training” - driving training would be martial arts training, period…

“Martial arts training” for me includes different things than it does for you.

Science! :eng101:

[quote=Vieux Normand;2130125]So, on your planet, angel-dust makes people “fall over and blather incoherently”.

You might want to look that up.

Last person I saw on dust was being dragged from court (College and Yonge street, Toronto) to detox by five cops–and, yes, it took that many. No doubt your 118 pounds of pillow-fisted rodent fury would have gotten through his PCP-deadened pain-receptors and resolved that situation raaat quick.

Meanwhile, if the patrons of bars near you, who get ejected, NEVER come back with whatever they can get out of their trunks and threaten staff with it, then you live in a raaat nice-like part o’ town.

Just another genius talking about an occupation of which they know precisely squat. Thanks for the useful input, though.[/quote]

Look up, on like an actually informative drug site, what the effects are of PCP. If there sure is one class of drugs that I would not classify as “performance enhancing” it’s dissociatives. And yes, I’ve been around people on these drugs and I would hardly have called them intimidating. And my 118lbs of “pillow fisted fury” actually deals with competent and highly trained athletes trying to beat my ass, not rowdy spaced out drug heads acting pissy because they can’t get their drink on.

You’re so full of shit it’s embarrassing. Please stop.

I know you are but what am I seems appropriate.

You clearly made your mind up about how I made my mind up when you came into the thread, you’re doing nothing but being catty and useless. Thanks, really. Thread needed more of that.

[quote=JohnnyCache;2130309]I know you are but what am I seems appropriate.

You clearly made your mind up about how I made my mind up when you came into the thread, you’re doing nothing but being catty and useless. Thanks, really. Thread needed more of that.[/quote]
Actually my entire point of posting in this thread is to state exactly how full of shit you are. Anything I may have said that relates to the topic at hand was purely tangential.

please, mav, clarify how I’m full of shit for taking the attitude “I don’t believe it but I’ll try it”

I’d love to hear that.

also, just what the fuck is your problem? Did I fuck your mom?

PCP derail:
Spat, when nice people take dust they just sit back and wonder why their eyes are shooting out of their head at lightspeed. When violent people take dust, they turn into fucking Zombies, and not the “Yes…Master…” kind either. They turn into these:

YouTube - Re-Animator (1985) Part 12/13

They can’t be bargained with, they can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and they absolutely will not stop. Until you are dead.

[quote=JohnnyCache;2130348]Yes, and I took an assertive position on it VERY DELIBERATELY, because some provocation is necessary IMO because of attitudes on the topic. (Whiteshark’s live and let live being a great example, the various “it seems to have worked for mes” also examples)

I was also working from a point of view of hoping someone would turn up research already done, I wasn’t trying to design a neutral study. This thread became that over hundreds of posts. [/quote]
Please don’t hide behind “I meant to do that.” That’s just lame.

The difference here being, of course, I am very up front about my bias whereas you chose to take the “Well ok, this time I’m serious.”

I take it you aren’t going to answer my qualifications question. Then kindly please shut the fuck up when adults are talking.

Two University of Toronto kinesiology degrees already under my belt (including requisite coursework on pharmacological effects). PCP affects individuals in widely varying ways…including psychotic effects combined with deadened pain sensory-input.

If there sure is one class of drugs that I would not classify as “performance enhancing” it’s dissociatives.

“Performance” is not what one refers to when listing the psychotic effects of certain drugs, especially when taken combination with certain others. This does not negate the fact the police files are replete with cases of individuals rendered dangerous to themselves and others while on dust. Nobody claimed that all individuals on dust reacted this way. The ones who must be dealt with, by those whose job-profile includes use-of-force have, however, reacted this way.

And yes, I’ve been around people on these drugs and I would hardly have called them intimidating.

Which ones have you been around? The many who don’t react psychotically or those that do? I’d be more than happy if PCP-users all fell into the former category. Unfortunately, some don’t. Meanwhile, for those tasked with peacekeeping in certain venues, intimidation is a non-sequitur. We have to deal with situations regardless.

And my 118lbs of “pillow fisted fury” actually deals with competent and highly trained athletes trying to beat my ass…

…who are of all sizes and backgrounds, sometimes coming at you many-on-one, sometimes swinging blunt objects or jabbing sharp ones? Contrary to JC’s apparent presumption, nobody has claimed that such situations are a daily on-shift occurrence, but they do happen–and staff tasked with dealing with this don’t get any warning as to when it’ll happen, so we train accordingly…

…which brings us back from derail-land to the actual point of this thread. A number of on-topic postings have appeared which are far more interesting.

[quote=War Wheel;2130342]PCP derail:
Spat, when nice people take dust they just sit back and wonder why their eyes are shooting out of their head at lightspeed. When violent people take dust, they turn into fucking Zombies, and not the “Yes…Master…” kind either. They turn into these:

YouTube - Re-Animator (1985) Part 12/13

They can’t be bargained with, they can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and they absolutely will not stop. Until you are dead.[/quote]

Granted, I do know that a side effect in the behavior of some people that do PCP is acting crazy and being violent, like ol’ Lurch the rapper who cut out some chicks lungs and ate them. What I’m saying is that being wacked out on a dissociative, while making you crazy and making you numb to pain, it doesn’t exactly turn you into a super bad ass and in fact makes you clumsy and uncoordinated. It’s not a particularly impressive feat to beat someone up who’s off their nuts on a dissociative, even if they’re acting like a maniac.

Edit: good golly, I can’t believe the re-animator is based on an HP Lovecraft story

KidS: Dusters who do get violent may be easier to beat up, but they are way harder to subdue… Same as the mentally ill.

I’ll beat up a mentally ill person, too. Of course, VN’s methods of “subduing” these people involve smashing his karate fists into their skulls, apparently. If we’re not talking about fighting these people, then I’m not exactly sure why his bouncing job has any application to an argument about fighters and fighting.