Hey lads, new fish in the tank.

This is newbietown…so I have to play nice…I think you would be more suited by posting on MAP.

Just fair warning: Ninjutsu, Aikido, Taekwondo, Systema, and a few other arts are extremely likely to be made fun of on these forums outside of newbietown. The reasons being, mostly, that the training consists (in many cases) of light-impact or non-impact sparring, or other forms of training not considered “alive” based on a general site member concensus. Just try to stick it out.

Thanks guys, I didn’t really know how to handle the OP’s response.

I understood that Togakure was a fairly recent form of ninjering?

The OP asserts that Buj was derived from it? Anyone know?

Still newbietown…

  1. You don’t train in Bujinkan Ninjutsu, but in Bujinkan Tai Jutsu.
  2. You’re not a shinobi or a ninja, you’re a ninjer

…I still recommend you to go posting on MAP.

Go enter a tournament. get beat by people with only months of training. realise that you cant fight. that should remove the urge.

I 've beat the shit out of many martial artists using Ninjutsu.Not any masters or anything, but they had more years of training than me.I dont get it…

How do you train and how do they train


if you are one day as awesome as me, somebody else pays for your supporting membership _b

Alex, you’re back! and you are looking suspiciously respectable… what did she do to you?

who? did what?

Nope, Zendocan, i train in Bujinkan Ninjutsu.Taijutsu is just a small part of what we do.As i said before, we use weapons as well, as well shuriken and bo-shuriken.The older students can practise metsubushi techniques, basic knowledge of body healing (sensei is a licenced physiotherapist), meditation and more.
I practice Bujinkan Ninjutsu, i am a shinoby no mono, as people who practice karate are karatekas and judo-judokas.I can not understand why you are so aggresive towards me.

Yes Zaohu, i 've been in this community for less than 24 hours and already i have had 5 comments towards my martial art so far.People don’t change…

Less contact indeed, but their aim to hold up as much as possible while delivering the more strikes.I 've seen live MMA fights.
I dont want that, i dont need that.I want 1 hit KO’s and then run.I dont wanna be proud and stand like a fucking hero, i wanna do my fucking job and get out alive.

It’s your job to beat people up with your bare hands?

Nah, my job is defend myself, friends, family, anyone in need of help.Imagine you see 3 guys beating the shit out of an other guy.How are you gonna help?Take a box stance and start throwing hooks and jabs like crazy?What if you dont have that powerful hands?Start 560 kicks and TKD stuff?
Damn no!Your gonna pull your belt out and choke the one guy (supposed they havent seen you yet) while telling them to get lost before you break his neck.That will work.And if they come towards you?Fine!Grab a stone, a pipe, a plank, anything will do, and defend simple.No fancy moves, your not Jet Li, just use what you have learned and RUNNNNN!First chance you got, get the fuck out!
Thats selfdefence, ring rules dont apply here.You aint gonna come across a knife inside the ring.Neither a gun.So please, stop bugging me…

Your new here, and do the buj, so assuming your not a troll i’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Use the search function and look up the countless number of Ring vs. Street discussions on this site. People much wiser and more articulate than you and me have explained over and over why your beliefs are wrong.

Small history lesson: the Ninja died out when the Samurai class ended.

A Japanese Ju Jutsuka who also trains Kendo and Iai Jutsu is NO Samurai.
A WMA practicener who wears an harnas and weals a longsword is NO Knight
A Reservist who holds a swimming degree is NO Navy SEAL.
A Tai Jutsuka with Japanese weapons training is NO Shinobi/Ninja.

I’m not agressive towards you…since this is Newbietown.

If I was agressive towards you I would have already used this:

~Don’t underestimate the power of the Bic Pen!~

Ninja is an english word that sucks and has no meaning at all.
Shinoby No Mono is the one who trains in shadow arts, aka Ninjutsu.

Tom Cruise killed loads of you in the Last Samurai. I saw it.
I deem that film to be as factually accurate as any explanation I have ever heard on Ninjitsu.

In short:

Tom Cruise > Ninjers