Hey Kipdynamite my dog just died DURDURDUR!

Just curious as I have this carcass and I don’t know what to do with him


Sheeesh! Spring break.

Go back to school and leave the grownups alone.

k? thxby

0/10, that’s cold…I luv dogz

First I would suggest taking your cock out of him…

Then peel your lips off its smelly mouth.

next return to the sanitorium

See, the sad fact is my beloved dog, Hemingway, actually died and a forum I have belonged to attacked me.

So, I stopped trolling. I only use my Kipdynamite account to do ‘searches’ in the forum.

shut the fuck up.
“Papa” is spinning in his grave at the thought that a faggot like you named their faggoty dog after him, however he is pleased it was a fellow bi-polar

Please emulate your dog’s namesake and go bullfighting in Cuba, get some electroshock therapy, become an alcoholic and then blow your fucking head off with a shotgun.

thank you and have a nice day.

shut the fuck up.
“Papa” is spinning in his grave at the thought that a faggot like you named their faggoty dog after him, however he is pleased it was a fellow bi-polar

Please emulate your dog’s namesake and go bullfighting in Cuba, get some electroshock therapy, become an alcoholic and then blow your fucking head off with a shotgun.

thank you and have a nice day.

Bipolar? I ain’t the one ranting to some guy on an internet board about the name of a dog. Keep up the good trolling though, I am sure it is a great use of your MA Humanities.

Oh, FFS, What the hell?

What the hell incites people to say such things on our boreds? Goddam trolls, they just love it here, dont they?

I am sure now that your dog is dead he doesn’t struggle as much and try to bite you during “play time”


You’ve given me an idea.

aardvarks, seriously you’re a genius.

This is a horrifying and scary post… I hope i’ve read it incorrectly.

you are going to fuck kipdynomite’s dead dog when he is done fucking it?

With a strap on with your face drawn on the end of it.

Vidz to follow.

please be kind in my artistic representation.