Hey! Didn't you read this the first time I posted it? How about the 2nd? Third?

I don’t know if Big Foots Real. I would guess not. The Native Americans Believed it to be a creature that could walk between the human world and the spirit world. Now I don’t think i believe in the spirit world ether. I guess it is possible. I mean man did come from ape. And monkeys still exist. why wouldn’t a in between.
If a wolf can be breed in to a poodle why cant it be possible for a German Shepard to exist? We did find out that a giant squids were real, when we thought they were fake. Its possible, but i find it unlikely that we(humans) would not find bones of a land walking creature that’s seen all over North America.

I do know this I would like to challenge one to a fight. With its crazy mythical strength vs my round kicks it would surely be a battle of the century.

I don’t know if Big Foots Real. I would guess not. The Native Americans Believed it to be a creature that could walk between the human world and the spirit world. Now I don’t think i believe in the spirit world ether. I guess it is possible. I mean man did come from ape. And monkeys still exist. why wouldn’t a in between.
If a wolf can be breed in to a poodle why cant it be possible for a German Shepard to exist? We did find out that a giant squids were real, when we thought they were fake. Its possible, but i find it unlikely that we(humans) would not find bones of a land walking creature that’s seen all over North America.

I do know this I would like to challenge one to a fight. With its crazy mythical strength vs my round kicks it would surely be a battle of the century.

Trapped, gutted, skinned and hung out to dry after sighting it in this thread: http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=62093

The first post is still in the original thread, FYI.

sheer poetry