Her friends always hate me

[quote=Goju - Joe;2394460]What …really?

Why in Gods green earth would you care? It’s never occurred to me to care one bit about what a girls friends thinks of me.

never even crossed my mind?

Are her friends hot?

I don’t get it?

am I asking a lot of questions?

Is this as annoying as I think it is?

Why can’t I stop?[/quote]

Damn dude, you sound like a vuvuzela.


You are an antisocial woman? It all makes sense now…

No, but really, w[/SIZE]hile I’ve been on the brunt end of female (lack of) logic on many cases, I refuse to believe that there is actually ZERO reason they would dislike you.

Also keep in mind how absurdly easy it is to offend females.[/quote]

Man, I am going to be a bachelor for a while. Unless I channel my friendly insults and jokes upon myself.

How serious a relationship are you talking about anyway? Unless you’re talking about a marriage prospect, what her friends think of you doesn’t amount to much of anything anyway.

Dude. Women are CRAZY.

Don’t stress it.

Focus on training.

Training and porn.

Thats what I’ve done
And I’m grand now.
nervous tic

[quote=Pilgrim;2394698]You are a girl?!


I mean, at the throwdown, didn’t you kick, like, EVERYBODY’S ass?!

Who are you, Cyborg Santos?![/quote]

Goddamnit, I knew I should’ve proofread that sentence.

Now my inbox flooded with cock pics. ><

[quote=Goju - Joe;2394460]What …really?

Why in Gods green earth would you care? It’s never occurred to me to care one bit about what a girls friends thinks of me.

never even crossed my mind?

Are her friends hot?

I don’t get it?

am I asking a lot of questions?

Is this as annoying as I think it is?

Why can’t I stop?[/quote]

They keep fucking things up! I broke up with my last girlfriend because I didnt like getting chewed out for things I wasnt doing. This has been happening since Jr. High.

YouTube- Gabriel Iglesias and her girlfriend friends.

Decided to stop caring. If next one calls me at 2AM asking if I was out with somebody else I will just say the pussy was good and hang up.

Example (not as devious as it sounds), my fiancee had this friend when we started seeing each other.

Rather than say she can’t go out with her, I encouraged it. She’d come to me after a night out with stories about her friend and how she did this and that and also that she didn’t agree with how she did this or that. Women love the gossip. So, she continues dishing the dirt on her friend, how she lead this guy on, made him buy drinks for her all night then went home with another guy and I am just nodding the whole time. All the time acknowledging that this behaviour is reprehensible.

Then there is the inevitable relationship fight, we argued, she gets on the phone to her friend saying he’s a big meanie, etc. They go out for a girls night. You now have ammo.

She comes home and I confront her, saying I know what her friend’s like and I think she is a bad influence on her and I can’t be sure that after our argument that she remained faithful. She has nothing to say, she knows it, she has bitched about it for months. Now, if she went and cheated on me that night, good, game fucking over (I have a great network, I’d know in minutes), except for the obvious break up sex that she doesn’t know she is having until after. If she didn’t cheat, she knows you have the upper hand, because she might as well have cheated, according to her own logic.

Now she starts to second guess the friends motivations, I offer stability. Her friend wants to go out and be hit on by guys, I want to go out with my partner and enjoy each others company. Her friend starts saying shit like, “you never come out anymore”, gf thinks, “we went out the past three weeks in a row, why is she saying this shit?”. Her friend begins to get nasty, saying I’m taking up all her time, that I am bad for her. But I am doing things like organising trips to the zoo, picnics, all those romantic gestures chicks dig. gf realises that going out with a slut is not helping her reputation.

GF decides to break ties, all off her own realisations, nudged only slightly by me. She does so in spectacular fashion, whereby I comfort and ask why? Why did this happen? You were such good friends.

And then she is trapped, soon to be my wife.

Just remember, I am also trapped. Trapped by my own strategy.

Stay single as long as you can, dude, trust me.

Dude, youre fucking evil. Im impressed. I think I am done with chicks from this continent though. Live in a college town, girls from all over and for some reason they dig me. Came to that realization today. Canadian and American girls are just too stuck up and bitchy(British chicks too) Girls I have met from Mexico arent interested. But Europe(Except Britain), South America and Asia, they love me.

You’re probably just a bad person, and your girlfriend’s friends see that she’s too good for you.

[quote=maofas;2395442]Goddamnit, I knew I should’ve proofread that sentence.

Now my inbox flooded with cock pics. ><[/quote]

Considering the psychos I have dated I would have to disagree.

Wow. You must be really terrible, then.

I may have done a bad thing or two in my day. But my last girlfriend stole my Wii and my whisk. No man deserves that.

… You can’t be a real man and own a wii. If anything she did you a favor, faggot.

That is fucked up that she stole your whisk though, that’s just grimey as fuck.

Does he literally mean a whisk like a cooking utensil or is this some newfangled thing like ipods and myspace I’m not caught up on yet?

Whisk, huh?

I can’t keep up on all the new slang for “dildo” nowadays.

I mean whisk as in an actual kitchen utensil.

Stole some other stuff. But the whisk stuck out. Why steal a whisk?

[quote=Big Dozer;2400364]I mean whisk as in an actual kitchen utensil.

Stole some other stuff. But the whisk stuck out. Why steal a whisk?[/quote]
I had an evil psycho bitch roommate that stole a dirty old toilet plunger once.

I kind of figured that was more her problem than ours. WTF?

I solved this problem.
Be more of an alpha male, and also date an alpha girl. Proper alpha girls are pretty hot. You can find them in sororities, etc. Awesome because they aren’t very influenced by their girl friends; they influence the girls around them. You say, who influences them? heheh. YOU!

Its pretty awesome actually. All her friends will like you, or at least act like they do. Just make sure you got a handle on her from the get-go because girls like this have their own mind.

Talk to them (gf’s friends) like they are girls, not your girlfriend’s friends. In fact, you should use their attention to keep your girlfriend on her toes also. Of course, this is delicate if you don’t know how to do it already.

Mate as long as they aren’t upsetting your girl why do you give a shit what they think? If they make up shit about you and your girlfriend knows you’re a star she won’t put up with it for long.

Just find a loner with father/step father issues… thank me later!