Help !!!!!!!!

Ok Fine
So I may suck at video games but after I lost to someone in Tekken 4 who had totally no Martial Arts experience (but load of gaming exp) , I got up and with a gush of anger (and all my strengh) threw the fastest,most powerful punch that I could ever muster ,at what you ask …no not my friend hes a nice guy …but my hand smashed onto the brick wall as I felt a sting run through my nerves .Few seconds later a giant swelling appeared as i tore a knuckle ligament of sumsort .This was like a year ago and I thought it healed …but everytime I punch the pads in the dojo since then I get the sting on my middle knuckle…and then last week I got into a fight with my brother and swang a hook at his skull . Man does he have a hard head.My middle knuckle is swollen again. Why the hell is this not healing ???HELP

Shams :eusa_eh:

You don’t say?

I think you might need to go get your dick wet, you sadistic fuck. You have a problem with irrational anger. There’s nothing wrong with punching hard objects and people, but do it in a controled and safe maner. Obviously you have much to learn about martial arts. Power is nothing without control.

Yeah! And if you have no control and only power you will eventually be stopped by a courageous team of aesthetic superheroes that have good fashion sense.

I asked for help on how to heal my hand not anger management advise or bullshit on control.Plus I hit the wall intentionally.Cant even throw a good body blow anymore cause of the pain.

Torn ligament? I dunno. Just see a doctor, chief. Shame on you for waiting a year.

Guess you’ll have to use that hand for nothing but defense until it heals a little bit.

Also, chill the fuck out, like, in general.

I would advise cutting of the hand, since you obviously cannot use it in anything but a counter-productive way. Punching walls, fighting with your brother, posting dumb threads…