my parent organization throws a tournament every year, and i have been less than enthusiastic about the fighting portions.
i think that the kind of fighting that goes on at most kung fu tournaments is giving us a bad name, and have been thinking about ways to make it better. i’m talking about point sparring and continuous sparring rules here. (no punches to the face, no sweeps to the back leg, no kicks below the knee, no knees, no elbows, no throws, no groundfighting, etc.)
so what should i propose instead?
some of my thoughts:
san shou rules - problem is the added expense of a ring, and all the added expenses that come with a ring.
lei tai rules - same problems as san shou but with a lei tai platform. i have seen this done with no platform as well.
or the idea i have been playing with - modified lei tai rules with limited ground fighting allowed (i.e. knee-down takedowns allowed and some small amount of time allowed on the ground to make your submission - maybe 1 minute or thirty seconds.
the idea here is that if you could, say, do a hip throw to armbar, you could win the fight if they tapped out. the smack girl organization in japan has fights with limits to groundfighting like that, it’s frustrating for someone used to watching full mma, but might be a good middle ground to get kung fu people into more realistic competition.
i would also remove elbows from the current lei tai rules, as that would allow me to do away with the full face cage rule, and allow the use of standard boxing headgear. i would require shooto gloves or the mma training gloves from combat sports. not sure about adding shinguards, maybe require the grappling shinguards from combat sports. the problem with requiring specific equipment is that you have to be willing to provide it.
i’m still not sure we could find a way to afford the additional expense, but before i make my proposal i would like some feedback from you guys.