So it’s been a month now since I posted a thread about how a Mcdodjo invaded my school.
(Mcdojo invades my school!)
If you haven’t read the thread, This is pretty much the jist of it.
It happens every Friday
Some 16 year old kid who teaches American Karate rents the dojo for about 3 hours to teach just about the shittiest stuff I have ever seen.
(I’m a kid’s TKD instructor, so believe me, Iv’e seen shitty)
I was concerned that it would reflect on my MA school and feared for rep.
first thoughts were to kick his ass. Others suggested I leave him alone. Others suggested I recruit his students.
Today, I decided to be cool with them.
I carried a on a conversation with the instructor’s mom.
Long story short I’ve been invited to spar with them next week. they said they would love for me to help out with class.
Im not going in to kick some ass, nor to be an annoying bastard trying to take over his class.
Im In a position where I can stop bullshido and help this class for the better.
So I am leaving the floor open to anyone who could give me any kind of advice on how I should go about morphing this class into a non-shitty MA class.
I’m assuming he’s invited you to do light/medium contact sparring? If you beat him up, that’s not cool. I would try to own him within the bounds of light/medium contact. Maybe constantly take him down so he never gets a chance to do any striking. Or totally out spar him standing (without breaking the light/medium contact).
But really, he’s renting out space from your school. He’s a seperate class/school and you really shouldn’t consider him to be reflecting bad on your school. If a ballet class rented out some mat time would you have negative feelings towards them? They might give your school a bad rep as some pansy ballet girls, but the owner of your school agreed to rent the space to them, and they aren’t there to destroy your school. They are just there for some mat space.
If it was your own school, and the karate guy was actually invading it like you said, then you would have every right to kick his ass. But that’s just not what’s happening.
Sometimes martial arts instructers share the same space despite having different ideas about the martial arts. This helps both instructers earn more money than either would alone. Generally they don’t want or need arrogant 16 year olds fucking with their money.
Your school owner made the decision to let them rent some space. Kick your instructor’s ass. But you really shouldn’t be mad at your instructor either. He’s renting out some space to make his own rent bills a little easier to swallow.
If you don’t like the McDojo’s in your school, talk to your instructor about it. Just know what his reasons for renting the space are for. In the real world you need $$$ to operate, even if you aren’t in it for the money.
EDIT: didn’t see your last post. Some of hte comments might not be relevant now. I take very long while i’m typing.
Second thing … I’m a hardass and an asshole but even I draw the line at beating up some 16 year old Kid … that’s just totally fucked up. If you don’t think it’s fucked up … consult with your Attorney and maybe they can explain the legal shitstorm you would open.
Why worry about it comes to mind. They aren’t your students, therefore, they aren’t your responsibility. Unless they are running around flying your school’s colors why not just leave them alone?
I’m not the World’s MA Police and neither are you. You teach valid stuff in a reasonable manner then your students Rep you well. What someone else does is irrelevant.
If nothing else, think how good you and your people look when compared side by side with the Kid and his students. You might even regard the situation as a form of marketing … free advertising. Kind of like having a Used Ford Dealership on your property … right next to your Mercedes Benz Dealership. Enjoy.
I thought it was settled? If youre asking for advie about the actual session, don’t go in there with any set perceptions “I’m gonna do this” etc mentality. Just enter the place, train as you were requested with the usual ethos you follow. After that, que sera sera, eh? IF people prefer your style, they’ll join, otherwise, theres not much you can do.
What do you hope to accomplish if and when you beat this guy’s student? He’s a student. Even if you beat the instructor, do you expect him to stop teaching crap and start teaching something good? He doesn’t know anything good. If he does realize he’s teaching crap, he might just quit teaching altogether. This would be a good thing for martial arts in general, but no so good for your instructor, because your instructor won’t get any more rent from this guy. How do you explain that to your instructor? Do you give him the “take one for the team” speach or what?
How about don’t try to be a crusader for Bullshido? If your class is worth anything, then your very existance as a student of your class and the students you train with should be enough for anyone with a doubt to realize what sucks and what doesn’t.
You shouldn’t have to “beat up” anyone to make other’s realize it sucks. Train hard, train good, and train often.