Help Make Shumagorath's Dreams Come True


Since you don’t want to respond to any PM but think it is your duty to neg rep me, while running your mouth on topics where you barely have the first clue, I’ve taken it upon myself to give you the opportunity to talk shit to my face.

This thread is asking for donations from bullshidoka for a plane ticket and 2-3 days accommodations in Toronto. We can make it a throwndown and film the whole thing (Give Pizdoff a chance to get out too). How about sometime towards the end of summer? (August/July)

So how about it? Your BJJ against the d33rb0x3r anti-grapple? This is your chance to shine!

I’m 6’ 195 lbs. I’ll try to meet you anywhere between 175-220 lbs. I’ve never trained in a BJJ school so I won’t have a chance.

Someone please ‘sticky’ this

Dude, he’s neg-repped me 5 times or so for no good reason, but my panties remain unbunched.

And by panties, I mean manly, non-gay Old Navy boxers with tasteful designs.

Moving this to GBS pending an actual example of the comment which spurred this. If it was a call-out, it’ll stay here.

If it’s just a complaint about negative varroting… off to Trollshido.

The whole rep thing is a big splatter joust anyway, so that’s really secondary to the arrogance and self righteousness that infects almost everything that Shuma posts.

Come on Phrost, the TBK vs KFDW stayed up for a while and the Darkson vs Osiris is still up.

This IS the call out. . .

Did I mention that everyday is Christmas?

I’ll meet you are any weight you want to be at.
I’m going to break your hand with my face.

First… LI, I know you from back in the day over at what’s now an embarassing clusterfuck known as ADCC. But come on, don’t spam the thread. I don’t care if you call someone out either way.

Just make sure you’re doing so for reasons that aren’t going to get you crucified… such as being left a few negative varrots. Hell, I’ve been left a handful myself (if only for posts in the politics forum), it’s not a big deal.

Come on Phrost, the TBK vs KFDW stayed up for a while and the Darkson vs Osiris is still up.

Because we’re actually going to fight.

Shumagorath has +neg rep me twice. Do not let it get under you skin. He negative reps anyone who disagrees with him.

That’s not a cool way to accept a challenge. This site isn’t supposed to be a pissing contest.

Seriously though, was ADCC ever really anything different?
Ok, I won’t spam anymore. <Deactivate Spam Sequence>
I’m dead serious about this thread.

Rep is t3h Qu33R. I could care fuck all about it, but when all my negs are coming from the same place and I send you PM’s, I think courtesy dictates at least a ‘Fuck Off’.

Man up bitches

There is a direct correlation between complaining about rep and being huge bitches.

Tell you what, LI… start another thread where you call out Shuma for X and Y, so I can delete this thread. As it is, it’s a waste of my bandwidth to have the majority of the posts shorter than a line or two of text while populating the browser with avatars and forum images.

Edit: You’ve sent me PMs?

Wow. Was that the first varrot-related callout?

I love the internet!

No, I sent Shuma PM’s

Phrost, you can’t be serious. A significant number of threads on this site have a majority of one or two line posts. I mean I can see why that is a bother, but at least be consistent.

Aesopian, I know you and Shuma have recently collaborated, but in case I didn’t make it clear enough, this is not about rep. That was just the lead in.

I personally am looking forward to Shuma fighting you, but to say this is about anything more than some neg-rep is just trying to get out of you being a bitch.

I can’t be everywhere at once. Anyway, I just want you to do a proper write-up of why you’re calling him out.

That’ll save all of us the headache of reading through pages of discussion on why you’re doing so.

Somehow I managed to derail my own thread in the very first line. . . :BangHead:

Bottomline, I want to go to Toronto and put Shuma’s MMA pretenderism theory to the test.

Anyone willing to support that notion?