
Originally posted by shemfu
kamehameha bullshit… now that’s funny lol

what you talking about willis? woo-woo kamehameha owns all!!

Heh, Mr. Satan/Hercule is our mascot. I’m a big DBZ fan. Hell, my dog’s name is Goku.

If it were possible to chi-blast people, I’d be the first one to train in it. However, it’s not, so I’ll just enjoy my adolescent anime for what it is: entertaining fantasy.

This board seems to allow “free speach” more than the other board. The other board seems to have more nutriders on it too. I wonder if there is a relationship.

“*since the quality of all martial arts is based on whether or not you can beat up Royce Gracie with it, this means that boxing, kickboxing, wrestling and Eagle Claw kung-fu also don’t work.”

Errrrrr The kickboxer’s generallly did better, especially vs other styles, and just because they lost to Royce definitely doesn’t mean kickboxing/boxeing “suck” and it still means those TMA styles might suck. Interesting argument though (wish you could say the same for mine.)

Welcome to the jungle !!! We got trees and vines !!! we got gorilla schnot hanging all the time !!!
Jungle !! welcome to the jungle !!!

I think that you have to blanket bash TMAs; granted - there are some good practicioners out there, but if you start saying things like: “All TMAers suck except for those that train the real shit.” Then every single TMAer will believe that it is they who are training the real shit, and that it’s just the other TMAers who suck.

Hello, I started this Gansta shit and this the motha fuckin’ thanks I git?

MMA phil is correct (said for the 1000th time.)

Originally posted by MMA_Phil
I think that you have to blanket bash TMAs; granted - there are some good practicioners out there, but if you start saying things like: “All TMAers suck except for those that train the real shit.” Then every single TMAer will believe that it is they who are training the real shit, and that it’s just the other TMAers who suck.

But then every single TMAer knows you’re wrong, instead of just thinking it. :wink:

yeah but they can’t show evidence that this is the case and he/we can show opposing evidence.

Originally posted by Blad3
yeah but they can’t show evidence that this is the case and he/we can show opposing evidence.

Er . . . which evidence would that be?

“Er . . . which evidence would that be?”

Is this a serious question?

Any time that any TMAer has succeeded in NHB competition, it has been by resorting to MMA style fighting.

Here come the excuses.

Originally posted by MMA_Phil
[B]Any time that any TMAer has succeeded in full contact competition it has been by resorted to MMA style fighting.

Here come the excuses. [/B]

Nope, no excuses. I’m just curious if you mean cross-training in striking, grappling, etc. I think it would be suicidal to not do so if you effectively hope to compete in a tournament which allows such things.

So then, I take it that when you “blanketly bash TMA”, it’s in the context of their effectiveness in full contact competition?

That’s cool. I happen to agree, to a degree.

Okay, whilst the street is totally unrestrained, and NHB is only mostly unrestrained, NHB has you fighting somebody just as tough as you - not some drunk. My point being that the street is unrestrained, and MMA fighters are by far the most used to fighting this way. TMAers on the other hand are not - cooperative drills etc.

Didn’t really mean to get into the whole TMA vs MMA thing, but can’t help myself lol.

Originally posted by MMA_Phil
[B]Okay, whilst the street is totally unrestrained, and NHB is only mostly unrestrained, NHB has you fighting somebody just as tough as you - not some drunk. My point being that the street is unrestrained, and MMA fighters are by far the most used to fighting this way. TMAers on the other hand are not - cooperative drills etc.

Didn’t really mean to get into the whole TMA vs MMA thing, but can’t help myself lol. [/B]

It’s cool. There’s merit to what you say, but what often happens is that many people just take such sentiments as they’re mantra and sit smug knowing that they’re correct because of the prevailing pack mentality – rather than getting experience in different areas and developing an informed opinion based on actions and consequences. It’s a disease I’m afraid afflicts MMAers and TMAers alike.

“So then, I take it that when you “blanketly bash TMA”, it’s in the context of their effectiveness in full contact competition?”

Didn’t really answer that did I?

I mean in the context of actual fighting. I do believe however, that somebody who can fight that has trained in a TMA, versus somebody untrained who can fight (all else being equal), then the TMA person has the advantage.

The main problem I see is that TMA training doesn’t teach you/prepare you to fight. Where as in MMA, because it’s more hardcore, you have to fight hard to do pretty much anything; hence it teaches you to fight.
There is also the whole style thing: when you study a TMA you are trying to learn to fight in that particular style. Style is a personal thing IMHO, within MMA you aren’t expected to fight any particular way - you just keep training, all the while finding stuff that works for you. There isn’t really any grappling vs striking, you just learn it all and then use whatever you’re best at.

Originally posted by MMA_Phil
[B]“So then, I take it that when you “blanketly bash TMA”, it’s in the context of their effectiveness in full contact competition?”

Didn’t really answer that did I?

I mean in the context of actual fighting. I do believe however, that somebody who can fight that has trained in a TMA, versus somebody untrained who can fight (all else being equal), then the TMA person has the advantage.

The main problem I see is that TMA training doesn’t teach you/prepare you to fight. Where as in MMA, because it’s more hardcore, you have to fight hard to do pretty much anything; hence it teaches you to fight.
There is also the whole style thing: when you study a TMA you are trying to learn to fight in that particular style. Style is a personal thing IMHO, within MMA you aren’t expected to fight any particular way - you just keep training, all the while finding stuff that works for you. There isn’t really any grappling vs striking, you just learn it all and then use whatever you’re best at. [/B]

I’m of the opinion that if you want to train to fight unarmed, then you MUST expose yourself to full contact grappling and striking AND you must be in the best physical condition you can possibly be in. Learn the techniques, drill the techniques and then spar full-contact. Otherwise, you’re not really training to be a fighter.

Having said that, there are TMA styles that go full contact and have reputations for producing good fighters as well, just maybe not as well-rounded as MMA competitors. However, a guy that does one thing really well CAN be more effective than someone that does a number of things merely competently.

Re: Hello

Originally posted by Disaster Master
[B]I was banned from http://www.martialartsplanet.com/forums/index.php? for trashing TMA. :smiley:

I hope I won’t get banned here. :cool: [/B]

And I’m the person who banned you Waves

It’s a nice little friendly forum, with kids as young as 11 on there. The next generation you might say.
We’ve got women, children, oap’s and disabled people.

None of the above are likely to enter the UFC, but their out there challenging their ability as best they may.

Steaming in there in the childish, ignorant manner you did, then bragging about it here, is a bit like;

“Hey guys, I let down the principals tyres, can I hang out wid U guys?”

Grow Up!

Phrost knows us well, as he trolled there when he was setting this site up!

Hi Phrost! waves :smiley:

You realize your screen name is a rascist reference right?

I didn’t for a long time, thinking it was solely a figure of speach.

Rascist fuck.

WOW… I say we all go sign up on there site and open up a BIG discussion. Alright, lets organize. We first want to hit them with or most knowledgeable posters…(looks around confused)…Ah, well maybe our senior posters…(ummm…) OK well maybe then we just go trash the place.