He was injured...injured Bad

the key word is nerves, you dont have to break the knee, there is a superficial nerve under the knee, hit this and the leg is useless with in seconds, as far as knee strikes the more weight on the knee the more damage

ban please …

No, seriously .

The grounds being shitting up the CMA forum with conjecture and bullshit .

Superficial but under the knee …

What a maroon .

you kick like bitches, hicks

I appreciate your concern over my kicking style . Is there anything you would like to share to help me improve it ?

and I don’t think NJM is a hick …

reverse ging ,counter rotation, superficial means outside close to surface, under the knee lateral outside, dont be such a punk you may learn something

Did they teach you this target in muay thai or shotokan . Which kick do you use to hit this target ?

i can hit with anything, but a downward mt round kick works best, its easy to hit, like to hit it with an axe kick and reverse hook or sweep kick, or whip kick

furthermore moron is spelled as stated, just because you were awarded guru or whatever for chating, do not think you have more experience than i

you fail , I typed “maroon” Ma’ roon said just like it is spelled .

so let’s see here …

Ok so there is a major nerve on the back and outside of the knee in this area

that you can hit with “anything”

which then causes

Sorry you are full of shit .

Oh and you never mentioned where you learned this wonderful technique when I asked you a couple posts back .

i learned it in muay thai, you punk, you actually wish you knew ma, instead of playing on your pc, that is a diagram of bones and ligaments, not nerves, but you see where that pinkish ring is under the patella, thats where the nerve is look up nerves in leg, it begins with a p, im a martial artist, i know where it is and i kick it thats all, you better be careful hick!

you really are an idiot?

I would, but I’m all out of tissue and my socks are at the wash.

sure .

Well I guess now I ask who your Muay Thai coach was , when you studied under him/her , where and for how long .

If you have any video to back up any of the claims I have highlighted , please step forward and present them now .

I used the picture to make sure we were talking about the same area of the knee . The pic is clearly labeled as to what it is . I am sorry you are foolish enough to think it was to disprove anything you said . I am sure there are nerves in that general area of the knee , that is not in question . What I am saying is that you cannot strike them reliably to get the leg maiming effects you have described above and that you are full of shit .

If you had sparred or fought at all you would know that . I am curious as to why you would have this belief in this fight ending target on the back of the knee that you can hit so easily . You insinuate that you have done so , have you actually done this ? When ?

and of course … why should I be careful ?

The mustang has galloped on your face.

I like ong bak and front kicks as well … but I am not quite following you on this one .

yes i have done it you punk and i have been kicked there too, its the popliteal nerve a cluster connected to the sciatic nerve and again its on the side, i studied in boston, with mark d, because i will kick your ignorant hick ass, kentuckey boy!

You are more than welcome to come see me . I usually have a free schedule and have access to a ring or a cage .

"i studied in boston, with mark d "

Do you have a profession or amature record ? With leg destroying skills like you claim you should be undefeated .

I would still like to know who you have done this to and when .

i did it to a man from loas in nassau county ny, 6ft 190, it ovious that you know nothing about MA, you just like to run your mouth