Haywire: with Gina Carano!

A trailer is out for the upcoming movie Haywire, starring Gina Carano as a covert operative:


The storyline from IMDB:
“Beautiful freelance covert operative Mallory Kane is hired out by her handler to various global entities to perform jobs which governments can’t authorize and heads of state would rather not know about. After a mission to rescue a hostage in Barcelona, Mallory is quickly dispatched on another mission to Dublin. When the operation goes awry and Mallory finds she has been double crossed, she needs to use all of her skills, tricks and abilities to escape an international manhunt, make it back to the United States, protect her family, and exact revenge on those that have betrayed her.”

Also starring Antonio Banderas, Ewan Mcgregor, and Michael Douglas.

Take THAT, Obi Wan!

Judging from the trailer she can’t act but I’ll probably watch it anyway.

Judging from the image in the OP, she couldn’t make weight either.

It’s like The Bourne Identity with boobs. Must see.

[QUOTE=The_Beak;2582103]It’s like The Bourne Identity with boobs. Must see.[/QUOTE]

“The Boob Identity”

All jokes aside, I do appreciate the fact that she actually knows how to fight rather than how most movies nowadays are just actors who learned the choreography for the scene.

[QUOTE=money;2582414]All jokes aside, I do appreciate the fact that she actually knows how to fight rather than how most movies nowadays are just actors who learned the choreography for the scene.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, but you could reverse the argument and make it about acting.

[QUOTE=money;2582414]All jokes aside, I do appreciate the fact that she actually knows how to fight rather than how most movies nowadays are just actors who learned the choreography for the scene.[/QUOTE]Watch an Audie Murphy flick some time.

[QUOTE=Permalost;2582444]Yeah, but you could reverse the argument and make it about acting.[/QUOTE]

I don’t watch action movies for the acting. :ChallengeAccepted:

[QUOTE=money;2582447]I don’t watch action movies for the acting. :ChallengeAccepted:[/QUOTE]

What about the fifth element! Great action movie… Maybe the acting sucked but I can’t remember it being bad because Milla’s boobs are all I remember.

Okay, her acting isn’t top notch but her fighting is.

Worth buying a ticket for me. fangirl drool

[QUOTE=money;2582414]All jokes aside, I do appreciate the fact that she actually knows how to fight rather than how most movies nowadays are just actors who learned the choreography for the scene.[/QUOTE]Nowadays? Hahahahaha come on now.

[QUOTE=The_Beak;2582103]It’s like The Bourne Identity with boobs. Must see.[/QUOTE]

It’s been done already

[QUOTE=Bad Apple;2582650]

It’s been done already[/QUOTE]

Angelina Jolie was way too skinny in that movie to be believable.

[QUOTE=PointyShinyBurn;2582445]Watch an Audie Murphy flick some time.[/QUOTE]

What do you mean? I don’t think I quite understand your point.

I’m not being sarky. I read his auto-bio years ago and remember seeing the film in childhood and later. Moreover, I thought his portrayal in “Red Badge of Courage” was exemplary.

For some browsers, they may not know that he was the most decorated serviceman of WW2. US 3rd Infantry Div, if I recall correctly.

@1:13 does she kill that guy with an omoplata or triangle leg choke ?

Either way “I never thought I’d die this way …but I’ve always hoped.”

Triangle choke.

Gina Carano, Antonio Banderas and Channing Tatum…this makes me happy :slight_smile:

Sweet. Real armlocks and actual fighting. I hope they don’t make her do silly stylized kung-foo scenes.

I won’t see it in a theater because of the dicks who control the volume, but I’ll pick up the DVD if it’s good on cable. Decent fight choreography needs commercial support.

Can we get a sequel with Megumi Fujii?