Shut the fuck up. Thats all.
I Second the seconded on the second.
does he ever make sense?
This is a little late… and my stfu was better, cause I called him a uncle fucker. Why don’t peole use that anymore.
hannibal the cannibal, or hannibal the carthaginian general?
To answer that, Jenfucius, and second Meteora, why don’t we all agree on “Hannibal, the cock-sucking, ass-licking uncle-fucker”?
I kinda liked the donkey raping shit eater part though.
Mantis, you’ve humbled me!
How could I forget the “donkey-raping, shit-eating” part!!!
I’m deeply sorry…
How about:Hannibal, the cock-sucking, ass-licking, donkey-raping, shit-eating uncle-fucker
Chorus: You’re an uncle fucker, yes is true
Nobody fucks uncles just like you
What did he do?
was born?
That damn bitch n00B. He should STFU!!!
Ha! I’ll keep an eye on him.
Hello Blankslate.
Welcome to Bullshido.
Should have put you on most “overrated”. Just wait till I finish those 2 Big Books…
Everyone should be given a second chance.
Heh well if it wants one he’ll stop acting like a dick all the time, leave that to the professional’s.
Originally posted by Anthony
Everyone should be given a second chance.
He’s already posted more than twice.