[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;3047713]No. I don’t get paid hourly. That’s why I’m so fucking valuable. I make my own money and felow business people respect that.
Hence me actually being paid to be myself unlike your hypocritically off topic bluff.
Notice you totally skirted that after party thing. Hey, bitch tits, what frequency am I using to call you a cunt?[/QUOTE]
According to you, you are poor and it’s your own fault.
So I doubt you can even afford a cellular subscription.
Prepaid, right? Now, are you able to stick to the subject of this thread or do I have to skullfuck you until you pass out again?
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;3047715]According to you, you are poor and it’s your own fault.L
So I doubt you can even afford a cellular subscription.
Prepaid, right? Now, are you able to stick to the subject of this thread or do I have to skullfuck you until you pass out again?[/QUOTE]
Unlimited data. I can call you a stupid fat cunt as much as I want. You stupid fat cunt.
You’ve tried to find me via my ip before. You should already know everything about my carrier.
Why can’t you answer a simple question related to the very thing you’re bragging about? What frequency am I on?
You stupid. Fat. Cunt.
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;3047718]Unlimited data. I can call you a stupid fat cunt as much as I want. You stupid fat cunt.
You’ve tried to find me via my ip before. You should already know everything about my carrier.
Why can’t you answer a simple question related to the very thing you’re bragging about? What frequency am I on?
You stupid. Fat. Cunt.[/QUOTE]
Your off topic posts still bore me, many hours later.
If you think you’re “on a frequency”, you must be denser than the rock face I climbed today (with no cell service).
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;3047769]Your off topic posts still bore me, many hours later.
If you think you’re “on a frequency”, you must be denser than the rock face I climbed today (with no cell service).[/QUOTE]
Good. I enjoy causing you discomfort.
So like everything else you’re lying and can’t answer answer any of the questions questions posed.
Stupid fat cunt.
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;3047781]Good. I enjoy causing you discomfort.
So like everything else you’re lying and can’t answer answer any of the questions questions posed.
Stupid fat cunt.[/QUOTE]
Still bored.
Boring isn’t discomfort. It’s a sign your posts are worthless.
You don’t even know what “frequency you’re on”, because if you were to list a single one you’d be wrong, and you’re afraid of being wrong, unlike me.
How else do you think I got so good at being right all the time? Mistakes.
Do you even know what a “band” is, brah?
Being bored is indicative of a lack of creativity and intelligence you stupid fat cunt.
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;3047816]Being bored is indicative of a lack of creativity and intelligence you stupid fat cunt.[/QUOTE]
Do you ever get tired of talking like a chump?
Seriously just give up. You don’t even know what a frequency band is, because you said you’re “on a frequency”.
Not using the internet you’re not. Guppy.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;3047837]Do you ever get tired of talking like a chump?
Seriously just give up. You don’t even know what a frequency band is, because you said you’re “on a frequency”.
Not using the internet you’re not. Guppy.[/QUOTE]
How many megahertz does it take for me to call you a fat, stupid cunt?
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;3047846]How many megahertz does it take for me to call you a fat, stupid cunt?[/QUOTE]
One Trick Pony.
My on topic comments will outlast your shitposting. They always do in case you lost count in Trollshido.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;3047848]One Trick Pony.
My on topic comments will outlast your shitposting. They always do in case you lost count in Trollshido.[/QUOTE]
You don’t know. Because you’re stupid. And fat. And cunty.
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;3047850]You don’t know. Because you’re stupid. And fat. And cunty.[/QUOTE]
I know what One Trick Pony is. She repeats herself ad infinitum.
You haven’t made an on topic post all thread. Like a unicorn, magically no Trollshido for you.
Maybe you’re trying too hard.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;3047851]I know what One Trick Pony is. She repeats herself ad infinitum.
You haven’t made an on topic post all thread. Like a unicorn, magically no Trollshido for you.
Maybe you’re trying too hard.[/QUOTE]
You’d be the expert on ad nauseum / ad infinitum.
I gave you a chance to flex your (lol) “telecom skills” but you dick tucked.
What ever. Just more fat stupid cuntiness.
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;3047866]You’d be the expert on ad nauseum / ad infinitum.
I gave you a chance to flex your (lol) “telecom skills” but you dick tucked.
What ever. Just more fat stupid cuntiness.[/QUOTE]
Not only did I answer your dumb question definitively by pointing out you’re not “on a frequency”, the fact that that fact went over your puny brain box suggests your derail has found it’s home beacon, 5x5.
Go Google “multiplexing” before you try again. It might save several pages of you whining and repeating yourself.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;3047880]Not only did I answer your dumb question definitively by pointing out you’re not “on a frequency”, the fact that that fact went over your puny brain box suggests your derail has found it’s home beacon, 5x5.
Go Google “multiplexing” before you try again. It might save several pages of you whining and repeating yourself.
Oh wow. Not only can you not actually speak intelligently on this subject, you’re so stupid you need me to google google the answer for you.
I guess if I want real answers I can ask your manager.
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;3047886]Oh wow. Not only can you not actually speak intelligently on this subject, you’re so stupid you need me to google google the answer for you.
I guess if I want real answers I can ask your manager.[/QUOTE]
What’s a “Google Google”? Is that what you call it when you’re doubly clueless about a subject?
I don’t have a “manager”. Unlike you I’m not a slave to the grind.
The only thing you know about frequency is using the terms “fat”, “cunt” way too often.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;3047899]What’s a “Google Google”? Is that what you call it when you’re doubly clueless about a subject?
I don’t have a “manager”. Unlike you I’m not a slave to the grind.
The only thing you know about frequency is using the terms “fat”, “cunt” way too often.[/QUOTE]
Shut your fat mouth, cunt. You complain constantly for lack of money and you can’t back up your own claims about your own fucking job. Butt hurt little little bitch.
No wonder your wife fucks aroud on you.
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;3047927]Shut your fat mouth, cunt. You complain constantly for lack of money and you can’t back up your own claims about your own fucking job. Butt hurt little little bitch.
No wonder your wife fucks aroud on you.[/QUOTE]
Do you find it difficult to deal with your repressed homosexuality?
Must suck living where you do and not having access to a decent clandestine gay bar.
Seriously, raising two kids is expensive. You wouldn’t know since your DNA is doomed.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;3047933]Do you find it difficult to deal with your repressed homosexuality?
Must suck living where you do and not having access to a decent clandestine gay bar.
Seriously, raising two kids is expensive. You wouldn’t know since your DNA is doomed.[/QUOTE]
The hilarity here is that if you actually knew anything about me personally you’d know every single sentence in your post is patently wrong.
More evidence that you don’t even possess a shadow of the skills you claim.
Must suck to be such a dumb, fat, chicken shit cunt that you had to complain to admins.
No wonder your wife fucks around on you.
Like those are even your kids.
Crybaby bitch
[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;3047944]The hilarity here is that if you actually knew anything about me personally you’d know every single sentence in your post is patently wrong.
More evidence that you don’t even possess a shadow of the skills you claim.
Must suck to be such a dumb, fat, chicken shit cunt that you had to complain to admins.
No wonder your wife fucks around on you.
Like those are even your kids.
Crybaby bitch[/QUOTE]
Nobody knows anything about you, anonymous coward. Right?
You are E. Nigma to my W. Rabbit. And you’re still not “on a frequency”.
You’re so super stealthy. I promised you something, and I never skip out on a promise.

You stupid fat Cunt.
There’s no wear on the blade! You’ve never used that knife for anything other than a surrogate penis. And it’s a fucking Bud-k knock off.
That toy isn’t as impressive as your beer gut
Stupid fat cunt