Ha. Wow, I'm a total assmole.

So while at work today (I got another IT job.) I was at this furniture store where only women worked at. So I’m working on one of their workstations and one of the girls there asks me to go to dinner with her. I’m like, alright cool, I’ve never been asked out by a chick before. So I go to dinner with this girl and everything seemed to be going alright…


Holy shit this bitch was more dumb than a sack of rocks. It wasn’t just that our political views clashed, but also that she was just god damn moronic and loud about it. Totally embarassing. Just utterly dumb, dumb, dumb. Imagine trying to talk to a devout chunner about perhaps keeping their hands up.

Anyway, so I am getting pretty tired of her shit and so I do the, “Call a random person on your phone, hang up, let them call back and pretend that you forgot to pick them up from the cancer ward” trick.

She totally bought it and I take off… TO THE BOOKSTORE ACROSS THE WALKWAY. Probably not the smartest thing for me to do, but I needed some mental stimulation. So I pick up a copy of the Zombie Survival Guide and while doing so, I accidentally run into this really cute girl (I’ll post up pictures later, her myspace is down right now), as in, I’m picking up the book, she’s crouched down looking at books on Spain or something and I walk into her and drop the book on her.

Ok yeah, so I’m a clutz, but I start apologizing and help her up. We start talking and things go great and she’s really smart and whatever and she goes ahead and gives me her number and tells me to call her.

So now, I have her number. I’m not sure what to do with it. Should I call her? Should I wait? She has my number now so I guess she can call me. HALP!

did you stick the dumb girl with the bill for your meal or something? I don’t see the asshole here.

Give her number to the dumb chick and then hope for a 3 way.

That will make you an asshole for sure.

Yeah. Of course.

Right now on some art forum or the like there’s a girl starting a thread entitled;

“How Do I Get Out of Dating this Creepy Guy Who Harassed Me At the Bookshop?”

lol, kangaroos.

Neither do I.

Now tits or GTFO, then put it in her pooper.

On a scale from 1 (not an asshole) to 50 (total asshole), that was about a 3.

wait… so you’re a lesbian too?

You’re not an asshole, you’re an idiot.

First you take the dumb gal home and have sex with her (‘dumber’ not ‘more dumb’ by the way, dummy). You can commit assault in the book store anytime.

Bookstore girl.

:icon_thum Lovely.

I don’t think it was assholic to bail on Bachelorette #1 once it became clear that things weren’t going anywhere (though there was no need to belittle her so much in the retelling). No point in prolonging the pain or, alternatively, fucking and dumping someone you didn’t care for.

Nor does it matter that she paid. It was her invite, after all, so you didn’t exactly “stick her with the tab.” (I’m assuming that you weren’t a swine about it by ordering expensive shit. Which would be swinish whether you stuck the entire date out or not.)

Having had <borat> great success </borat> in libraries, I like the bookstore meeting; bodes well that the young lady is maybe sorta literate. (But that’s just my kink.)

I put on my wizard hat…

Maybe I’m just too nice? This is probably the most assholish thing I’ve ever done in my life.

Be a little more of an asshole and tell us what stupid shit she was saying. I want to fully visualize the situation.

Im disappointed in you.

Do you tell them you’re a ballerina?

Does it work?

WTF? Why?

I’m a really nice person IRL. I just play a dickhead on the internet.

Be a little more of an asshole and tell us what stupid shit she was saying. I want to fully visualize the situation.

Hmmm… How about when I said, “Man gas prices suck.”

She said, “Oh well that’s completely Bush’s fault.”

And I said, “Umm… don’t you mean OPEC and the fact that the American Dollar value is going down because of this slump and like, oh… I don’t know, executives of Gas Companies beind total dickheads?”

“No. This is all about the war in Iraq and Bush.”

“… Ok.” Takes a drink “Hey if an airplane were on a treadmill that could match the speed of its wheels, do you think it’d be able to take off on the treadmill?”


She didn’t even think about it. She just said no. And that was it. Done.

Seriously Sirc, if that’s the most asshole thing you’ve ever done I am having trouble imagining how you manage to take a shit.

Hmmmm, that came out worse than I expected.

  • bookstore girl is cute.

I’m a rhinocerous, you’re in my mating ground…

Sorry if I’m retarded as well but isn’t it a fairly obvious “no?” If it’s on a treadmill (I’m assuming we are thinking indoors or at least normal wind conditions) then there would be no air going past the plane to make it fly. Am I missing something?