I was reading a little about the science fiction film EQUILIBRIUM, which features a gun-wielding martial arts style called “gun kata.” This art is fictitious, but has apparently spawned a new fad called “Gun Sau,” which is essentially a game.
According to Wikipedia, there is something called Juu Kun Do, which is an attempt to create a real style based on the principles of the fictitious Gun Kata.
My question, genetlemen; is this real or BS? What can I say? Morbid curiousity has gotten the better of me.
Hmm… lets see.
Gun-based martial arts designed by anime/movie lovers that don’t really know the first thing about firearms, making a style not designed for efficiency, but to look cool (you know, for the ladies.).
Seems legit to me. I really have no idea why this would be BS at all. [/sarcasm]
I ask only because the wiki article referred to this guy as a former IFL fighter or something. It sounded a little fishy. I’ll post the article for others to read in a subsequent post. Did anybody here even see that film?:phil2:
Just another movie trying to play off the Matrix.
gotta love the automatic beretta chi-sau at the end.
This is hardly a matrix rip off. If anything its a rip off or “film inspired by” Farenheight 451 (with much better action sequences). Having fired nearly all sizes of hand gun ammunition I can say that unless you are using a 22 you ain’t gunna hit shit and even then you might as well be using harsh language it might actually hurt them more. Go to a range and fire a beretta 92 fs one handed. (The guns in the movie were modified 92 fs’ or 93R’s same as in Underworld) Now try this with a gun in each hand. Now try this with a gun in each hand and spinning around. I’ve actually fired two identical guns (berretta 92 f’s and 1911’s), one in each hand and trying to be accurate, however I neglected to spin and flip. The safest thing in the world was the target. If Gun Kata interests you might I suggest going to your local jedi academy and training to use the force. Or perhaps you’d like to head to Wudan Mountain and learn to crouch like a tiger and hide like a dragon. Being a big movie nerd I have a decent collection of MA films and while on the rare occasion I might see some move and think it could theoretically be possible to use IRL I’d hardly try and develop an entire system around roughly 20 minutes of sci-fi footage. Though as a stark contrast to the above I honestly hope with all my heart that there are people trying to develop “The Real Gun Kata”. I haven’t seen a really good darwin award in a while.
This has been the subject of multiple threads in the past. Search Noob. As for this thread it gets the chutes and ladders trip to trollshido.
We’re home!
I have seen the movie many times. It is pretty good action/sci-fi flick, and worth watching. Basically what the gun martial art looked like was if you were in a crowd of people and you wanted to shoot all of them you point your two pistols (eveyone carries two right?) in every direction in a choreograhed pattern. The important part of the “gun kata” is that you stand still and out in the open (this is not a joke watch the movie). Goddamnit, why can’t people watch a sci-fi movie without thinking that it is somehow real.
I love the movie, it’s awesome. The matrix doesnt even compare.
Gun kata would be really awesome…a really awesome way to blow a hole in your foot or shoot yourself in the arm or injure yourself in some other not only embaressing but life changing way.
Guns are scary, real fuckin scary. Sometimes it takes a negligent discharge to put the fear of Gun into someone and make them realize that waving your gun about while doing flips and rolls is a terrible idea.
I agree. But I read in a wiki article that some guy was developing an actual art. I figured this might be a good place to debunk the claim, but i hardly seems worth it now that the thread is in trollville. I am assuming that makes me a troll?
It makes you lazy for not doing a search on this issue which would have disclosed a number of threads showing such efforts have been debunked.
I still say Face/Off had some of the coolest movie gun fights. John Woo FTW!