Brilliant, I think not. I am drinking one right now, 9:55 AM PST. Bottle reads “serve extra cold.”
I am kind of old school I guess, but I like mine in a pint glass and a little more of the chilled, but closer to room temp side. I am trying to drink it out of the bottle, but I am not sure I can do it. Just doesn’t get down there fast enough.
This brings me to my second point. Twist off plastic beer bottles and the baseball games. Can’t get into that either. I’ll drink it out of the plastic cup, but not the plastic bottle.
Does anyone else have this mental disfunction? Or I am I just not taking the right prescription medication cocktail?
I prefer to drink beer out of a clear glass. Why? Besides allowing you to get the full effect of the aroma and allowing for better head retention, it showcases the beer itself.
Guiness is a fine beer, but I wouldn’t drink it directly out of the bottle. A beer like guiness needs to be served in a pint glass so it can breath a little.
From my experience though, people drink Guiness for two distinct reasons:
they have good taste in beer and know that it is far from being unique but it’s still pretty good. Fat Tire and St. Paulie Girl Dark, FTW.
Or they just found out about this “imported beer/micro brewery thing” and think Guiness is the best because it’s the darkest…
While an intriguing offer, I suggest you don’t get your hopes up, sailor!
Guinness is the quintessential stout. It is fashionable to hate it because it’s very “establishment” beer. THere is nothing about it that says, “I’m a renegade! I’m young and angry, and all that is not new and scary is crap! Anarchy!!!1!!!” and that is why a lot of younger people turn their nose up at it. The fact remains that stout beer is realy measured agains the Guinness standard for a reason.
This sort of depends on who you’re drinking with and where you’re drinking. For instance, in America, much of the Guinness you drink is actually brewed by Labatt’s and has “Guinness Flavoring” dumped into it.
Personally, I don’t drink Guinness much for two reasons. The first is the one listed above. I don’t like this method of contract brewing. The second is that, quite frankly, the Nitro Tap phenomenon is terrible for the beer industry. Nitro, in my opinion, overrides the flavor of the beer itself and makes for a very generic time.
Give me an Irish Dry Stout without the nitro, please. Thanks.
If you like Guinness, see if your local bar has Fuller’s London Porter on tap. Stouts might have originally been named “Stout Porters,” but this Porter is more Stout than Guinness. It fulfills your fantasies of drinking beer from the UK, tastes better, and has no annoying nitro tap. Or just cut the crap and drink anything by Samuel Smith. Hell. I even like Smithwick’s better than Guinness.
I’m not even going to address the ignorance in your statement Canuck. Go stand in the corner.
As usual GB has cut to the heart of the beer matter. Why god, why did you allow the profaneness that is nitro to pollute the sacrament of beer? Nitro carbonated beer tastes like ass, and while some people go for that, I don’t.
Does that include Guinness on tap?
And finally Sammy Smith’s is a damn good beer in any variety that I have ever tasted.
Guinness used to claim that all the Kegs came from England, but I THINK that was proven to be a lie. The best way to ensure that you’re getting quality Guinness is to buy the Foreign Export Stout they ship to pretty much every country besides the US. Our FES is different from the regular version and supposedly not as good. I actually think it tastes okay. Definitely better than the nitrogenated regular stout. Might still be contract brewed though.
To be honest, I wrote the whole brand off about a year ago and haven’t paid much attention since.