Hello from Greece. The country that all started.
All that is known to man, from politics, warfare and even the language
that most of you are using.
It is known that all ancient communities had their martial arts and
war tactics, but the best war tactics, strategies and martial arts were
born in ancient Greece. Boxing, wrestling and pankration (mma) were
the martial arts that greeks used.
I will agree that other civilizations had martial arts too, not as good as
greeks’ though.
And that is easily proven by history.
Because Spartans, Atheneans, Macedonians (not the Scopians- slavs and albanians who think wrongly that are the descendants of Greeks) and all other Greeks were always outnumbered, but always won over time.
That is why Alexander the Great conquered all known world with 100.000 soldiers. And they had to fight millions!
Knowledge was carried to India, by his soldiers.
As we all know martial arts knowledge then travelled to china, korea, japan etc.
[quote=cuivienore;2100077]Hello from Greece. The country that all started.
All that is known to man, from politics, warfare and even the language
that most of you are using.
It is known that all ancient communities had their martial arts and
war tactics, but the best war tactics, strategies and martial arts were
born in ancient Greece. Boxing, wrestling and pankration (mma) were
the martial arts that greeks used.
I will agree that other civilizations had martial arts too, not as good as
greeks’ though.
And that is easily proven by history.
Because Spartans, Atheneans, Macedonians (not the Scopians- slavs and albanians who think wrongly that are the descendants of Greeks) and all other Greeks were always outnumbered, but always won over time.
That is why Alexander the Great conquered all known world with 100.000 soldiers. And they had to fight millions!
Knowledge was carried to India, by his soldiers.
As we all know martial arts knowledge then travelled to china, korea, japan etc.
That is a simple history lesson.[/quote]
The Greeks also spread venereal disease all over the world. Also, many of the men liked young boys.
Greece is responsible for the English language? Sounds to me like england did a better job than Greece did. (and this is an Irish guy saying this)
Amazing unbeatable army? What about the romans? Clearly by your logic of “whoever wins the war is better at martial arts” the romans were superior.
But what I like best of all, is that despite your clear evangelical pride in your martial arts of boxing, wrestling and pankration…you’re still a ninjer.
[quote=cuivienore;2100077]Because Spartans, Atheneans, Macedonians (not the Scopians- slavs and albanians who think wrongly that are the descendants of Greeks) and all other Greeks were always outnumbered, but always won over time.[/quote]But-- wait a minute… If the Spartans were always outnumbered, that means the Atheneans had more soldiers when the two city-states fought each other. But if the Atheneans were always outnumbered, that means the Spartans had more soldiers during these battles. Paradox!
Also, it’s very funny that you should mention Alexander the Great and the Macedonians as evidence, since they weren’t even Greek.
But what I like best of all, is that despite your clear evangelical pride in your martial arts of boxing, wrestling and pankration…you’re still a ninjer.[/quote]
+rep that was hilarious.
[quote=cuivienore;2100077]other civilizations had martial arts too, not as good as
greeks’ though.[/quote]
For someone concerned with the effectiveness martial arts, training in ninjutsu seems kind of silly.
I was born in a hospital and then I left a grew up. The hospital is not the one to thank for all of my knowledge, just for collecting all the excess blood, fluid, and tissue. The rest of the world is to thank for the knowledge I have acquired.
is it possible we found the first pancration ninjer? tabi boots to sneak up for the ankle pick? throwing stars for softening up your opponent before the double leg?
alexander the great was greek, as well as macedonians. they spoke the same language, worshipped the same gods and considered themselves as greek, and all other greeks accepted them as greeks. Alexander took part in the olympic games a priviledge only for greeks. he also was elected arch-general of all greece, in order to conquer the barbarians. he was from Argos from his fathers’ side.
i can understand why you americans know nothing, and are considered stupid amongst all the civilized world. you are tv fools.
greeks were always outnumbered.
and they were also fewer when the romans took over greece.
but many greek cities were with the romans, as well as many greek mercenaries.
roman culture copied everything from greece, that is also well known.
but they conquered greece when greeks were decaying after many years of battling each other. romans also had many war innovations and lots of money
english has lots of greek words, as well as latin.
latin is a copy of ancient greek language.
for instance, television, aeroplane, medical terms.
a quick example:
martial comes from mars (god of war) that in greek called ares
ares- mares- mars-martial
i study ninjutsu,true.but i never said that i am world champion.
even so, i think that i train harder than american mac-dojos.
even so, i am a fan of martial arts, and since i am a member of bullsido it
is obvious that i think mmarts are the epitome(another greek word) of training.
white kimbo is that your real face? i can understand that many of you here are just american fat people who have never fought. i am a greek marine, and if i put my six pack abs photo here you will start crying.