got drunk! need help!

Chances are you knocked her up.

Get ready to pay childsupport for the next 18 years of your life.

Child support=STD

Her teeth look nice.

Looks like one o’ dem “nerdy girl who turns hawt when she takes off her glasses” in high school movies.

But then again I’m also a bit drunk.

Could have been worse. Imagine you woked up with the 2 guys. Everybody naked and you feeling a strange sensation in your “lower back”.

I think you can’t get married with two men there.

The chances of her even noticing your elevator button of a penis for the three pumps while it was in there are slim to none. You probably wore her underwear home and she wants it back, pickup the damn phone.

except that i was talking about the “you all” in the picture. haha, ugly and stupid.

See, now I don’t know if you’re talking about the people in the picture or about me. English is the awesome.

Farking internets.

Also, to the OP; do some pullups, man up and call her. I’m all about keeping threads on topic.

So you woke up with a naked broad next too and you’re upset? You should try getting some real problems because that isn’t one.

truepwrz, your advice isn’t going to get much better than that. Best get in touch before your delay in taking her call makes her want you for real. Just tell her what is on your mind. You’ll feel better when you do.


If something happened, freaking out over it won’t help, and by not talking to her, you’re hurting whatever relationship you have with her right now. In fact, ignoring her after this is causing more damage than actually having sex with her could. You’re being that guy right now. The asshole who sleeps with girls & doesn’t call the next day. That’s fine, but if you’re really her friend, you don’t want to be that guy.

Man up, talk to her. Be real. Don’t freak out. You are not the first person this has ever happened to.

This could be elaborate prank where you’re two other friends saw that both of you are so dead drunk that they carried you to the room, stripped both of you butt naked, threw your clothes all around the room, and left the room while removing all traces that they were there.


She really wanted you more than a ‘brother’ and carried you to room, stripped you nekked, stripped herself nekked, and set up the whole thing.

But seriously, you’d definitely want the girl to get pregnancy test if she didn’t already. Sounds harsh but that test will possibly hand you a life sentence!

For all you ppl who say she’s uggo or you wouldn’t hit it…don’t forget the beer goggle effect truepwz was under haha :stuck_out_tongue:

Goddamn, Truepwrz, you sly dog you.

Welcome. Welcome to the rampant stupidity of adult-hood.

I’ve woken up next to worse. Unfortunately.

Suck it up and pick up the phone. Tell her you were spectacularly fucked up, and find out where she’s at with the whole thing. She’s probably just as freaked out as you are. Man up. Being a pussy doesn’t solve anything.

Then, 5 or so years down the line after you’ve done far worse things, this will just be a funny story. So will all those things that are worse.

Truepwrz, don’t listen to these haters. That girl is cute, man.

Wait, JP, how old are you?

Because neither myself nor the cats that I used to roll with at 16 woke up next to naked girls.
Come to think of it, 5 years later, neither myself or said cats were doing that or worse. Does not compute?

It sounds like I had more fun in high-school than you did…:new_all_c

But then shit happens in New York City high-schools that tops most of the crazy stories I’ve heard of people having in college.

I’ve been drinking seriously since 15 or so… I’ve had some practice by now.

I got most of that shit out of my system by now, and maybe have a couple beers every now and then, or a vodka.

after the 20th call i picked it up, we had a short chat about yesterday and then she asked me how was she yesterday… i was about to cry, so i just told her i would like some lone time, then she told me your not those people that do one night stands do you(i think she just royally fucked me at that moment)

ahhhhh so confused i dont want her as a partner(i already have a target which is her best friend) =( but her classes are the same as mines i have a feeling she is going to hate me if i told her i was just drunk, wouldnt be nice

i normally dont get drunk this easily, it was just that yesterday i drank a lil too fast

edit:too much info before


Seriously, save that shit for your doctor.

As for the other stuff, you got drunk, you’re young, you fucked up.

You’re gonna have to hurt her though. Be clear you keep her as a friend. Be wishy-washy and you’re just gonna prolong the agony or both of you. If you’re cool and don’t act like a fucking weirdo you can pull this off with a minimum of fuss…

Is that IChart for Mac, the 99 Problems Edition?

You gonna get MARRIED.

To the OP: Dodging calls? Thats weak. Dont be an asshat.