
Lets see, Its 6am here, which makes it noon in england.

and Iscariot must not have school right now,

because he obviously has been bored.

Nice pics tho.

…This one goes to all :llorar: emo folk out there…


This kid is so fucking stupid he doesnt even know how to slit his own wrist.
Plus he is using a plastic knife. Doesnt even have the balls to use a real one.

Hope he doesnt report me to the mods.

he HAS to use a knife. poor emo couldn’t obtain a “liscence” for a gun to shoot himself with.

It’s 11:25 here, daylight savings. Iscariot is avoiding the work he has to do.

Now he has to go to Uni or he’ll fail his degree…

I have given out too much rep in the last 24 hours or I would +rep you for that.
Good use of threads for comedy.

LOL. I will +rep later when I can.

I am thinking about taking a job in England. Where are the bad areas of London?

Anywhere with ‘London’, ‘Greater London’ or further south than Birmingham. I’m a Northerner mate, London just fucking confuses me.

Best people to ask would be Slideyfoot or Asriel, they’re both soft shandy drinking southern fairies. What are you going to do in my fair land anyway?

Knowing Oldman34,

Abuse your Emo’s

Break your laws,

Molest your sheep,

You know, the usual.

A major refrigeration distributor is looking for people to work in England for them. If the money is right ( I make a good living now) I am going to go. I will talk to them Thirsday about pay and benefits.
Its gotta be a good deal to up and move across the pond with a wife and four kids.

You know me all to well.

Welcome to Mississippi,

Where the men are men,

The women are few,

and the sheep are nervous.

Where do you get Virgin Wool?

Ugly Sheep.


Love meeeeeeeee…