gongsau garbage: sometimes not even YMAS material

You don’t believe in giving people false expectations but you have WC and Ninjitsu in your style field. Care to elaborate? To avoid thread derail you can email if you want, bullshido@techemperor.com.

Im afraid I dont understand your question. Can you explain please?

God please dont derail this thread because of one ninja post. Such a good thread this far.

Whiteshark, i dont think there is ANY way when it comes to striking you can show somone there fualts without going full force IF they are already dillusional.

I can gently sub a noob to show him his ground game is flawed. I cant, however, gently KO somone to let them know they have no chi.

This is offensive, Im not going to even try and qualify my ‘credentials’, although for your information my MA experience which is mostly tried and tested in bars, clubs in self defence situations and my old style tuition in parks and outside clubs with no insurance is real. What about you? Mate.


I dont know the process of throwing down the gauntlet in here so Im sorry if this is wrong but Ill have a square go with you mate at a throwdown.

However a couple of points.

Im injured at the moment hence my posting on forums instead of training and fighting, its a fairly serious injury so I must be careful, I dont know how long before I will be available again.

Ill fight by your MMA rules if you like.

Im from the UK so it depends on whether I can get over there, Im assuming you are in the US. Unless you can get over here. New York is best for me if I have to visit. Id really like to have a video testament, I dont have that over here really.

However I dont know how long youve been training and I see no point in an unfair match if there is one so let me know how long and lets do this proper so its a good one.

There are Throwdowns in the UK. Check the Throwdowns forum.


-Gon-sau arrangements is the last thing this topic needed,man. didnt we just devote a couple of pages to sparring with the wrong goals\mindset?

Everyone knows there arent any ninjas in the UK

For someone who didn’t understand, you leveled the gong sau pretty quick.

Calm down. You have two arts listed known for playing. Take a deep breath and don’t go down the DV7 road.

TAKE IT TO EMAIL. I gave you the email address for a reason. He’s responding to my PMs in this thread.
Please Trollshido this post and all other Ninjer Gong-Sau related posts. Thx.

Maybe they are teh real ninjas and their art of Invisibility works?

Well geez mate, read the post. The admin arent going to do anything.

Im all for what you say - its against the forums rules to rubbish things out of hand, but people do it anyway.

What do you suggest?

Actually it is quite simple, wait for it…

What Im going to get kicked you mean in spite of not doing anything…

How about you calm down?

If you guys are exchanging emails keep that garbage off the thread.

Im not going to exchange emails, thats his suggestion.

Im chilled.

I just think he broke the rules.

What rules are you talking about. This is YMAS

Take the gloves off and grammatically beat on each other and dead horses such as Style vs. Style, Chi, Ashida Kim, George Dillman, and related, retarded discussions. Lightly moderated, for blatantly obvious idiocy and NSFW or illegal content.

Now what rule did he break? I see none.

This derail and gong sau fits right in with “retarded discussions.”

Second time Ive posted this:

From your forum rules:

Evidentiary Support and References: If you make an assertion, you should back it up with as much solid evidence as possible. Your argument will be scrutinized and if you cannot support why you feel “Taekwondo sucks”, you will not be taken seriously. Additionally, if possible, you should provide references for all of your evidence.

This was his statement:

What I quoted are the supposed rules for the Sub-forum you are now posting in.

You are in Your Martial Art Sucks.

The rules you just posted are from MABS. We are not in that sub-forum those rules do not apply here.

If you need anymore help please, go back to noobietwon, start a thread there titled, “I don’t understand the rules.”

I’m done.