Glima video.

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The only sensible Glima video I could find on youtube. Several others mentioned Glima, but one was a parody and the rest had nothing to do with it.

Seems interesting that the Glima practitioner by the name of Josephsson travelled to Japan in the 1900’s, defeated six jujitsu masters and there have been no style verse style matches for nigh on 100 years.

You should know better than to post like that in Martial Arts BS, Fraud, Investigations, and Standards.

Here is the video:

As said in a particular parody of an English video “my apple ogies”

if that is a waltz I think they’ve got the wrong end of the stick.

Wedgie-Fest 2008

Look again carefully, it is in fact a game in which two contestants fling each other heavily to the ground.

Is one of them in a wheelchair ?

well that would be easy, put a stick in the spokes.

do you have to be wearing a climbing harness to execute those, um, uh, throws?

No, but if he were he would use it to ram his opponent until HE NEEDED a wheelchair, then casually destroy the film in the camera to remove any evidence and stroll off on his two working legs to get a cold soft drink.

No, the belts they are wearing are sort of handle to grasp.

Incidentally, a practitioner of Glima went to Japan in the 1900’s and cleaned up several jujitsu masters…


I get it!
Just because it’s not mainstream kickboxing grappling boxing generic kung fu it somehow lacks a solid existence because mouthbreathers don’t understand it…


Again, my apple ogies.

whatever. i’ll bet those motherfuckers can slap on a pair of jeans like nobody’s business…

no, what’s he’s asking is:
how would you do it.


The famous “whatever” defence. The pride of defeatists everywhere.

How very 90’s of you. Now excuse me while I make the mistake of trying to enjoy “Rainbow Six”, am baffled as to why others enjoy Seinfeld and wonder just where those odd fringe Muslim fanatics might be cooped up and scheming…

Read between the lines, O Illiterate Anteater.


?como usted lo hace?

i’m going to give you a pass here because you obviously don’t understand why i referenced a climbing harness. if you did, then you wouldn’t have posted something as blatantly dumb as this ->

now, as to the rest of your post, here’s a big and hearty “whatever” to whatever the hell it is you are babbling about.

Aardvarks, I would:

  1. Smash the wheelchair into the opponent, making sure I crunched his shins.
  2. Rise to my feet
  3. Get out of the chair
  4. Wreck the recording device
  5. Walk over to the drinks machine
  6. Make my selection
  7. Reflect on, as Steady Eddie pointed out, “just how much damage a wheelchair can do to the human body”.

you forgot to put money in the vending machine.

Well, I was just saying that people, even on Bullshido, mainly argue about a very small pool of what is part of a very very large collection of MA worldwide.

Now hop back in your time machine and go play Doom or Links on your 486.