Girls + Too Much Makeup

Divide yourself into the following groups:

  1. I think women who wear too much makeup are hiding something
  2. I think women who wear make up very often are high maintenance
  3. I think women who wear some make up look much more attractive
  4. I think women who don’t wear makeup are not trying their best and things can only get worse/uglier if I pursue a relationship with her
  5. I like wearing makeup

Pictures representing 1 - 5 in order:

  1. I think women who wear too much makeup are fun.

  1. There is no reason for female humans to wear makeup whatsoever.

Your ‘too much’ example is pretty acceptable as ‘a bit of slap’ where I come from.
Some women around here look like circus clowns. Srsly.

Also, LOL@ remark 4.
Are you projecting or something?

Most women look good with a little makeup. It looks disgusting when they pack it on, all pasty and shit… looks like their face is gonna melt if they stand in the rain.

I agree with hairy. Most women don’t really need make up. And if they want to use it, it should be adding the finishing touches to what’s already there, not covering up everything. That’s what clown masks are for.

Better as a game - which celebrities depend most on makeup for their hotness…
who is this?

Scratch that, after looking at more pics… it’s far too depressing.

I wear lipstick…on my dipstick!

what the hell do you think eva green is trying to hide?

  1. Thinks women who make threads about women who wear too much makeup have something to hide.

runs and hides from Lily

  1. If she puts that much effort into herself, she’s going to expect you to do the same.

That’s fine occasionally, but I recommend going for the lease option in that case rather than buying.

My wife falls solidly into category #4. I don’t wake up and shreik in terror, she doesn’t take forever to get ready for something, MAC doesn’t own the deed to my home, and she’s extremely low maintenance.

I’d put up a pic but she’d murder me.

Why would Airlift Command own the deed to your home?

You’re single, aren’t you?

I bet you don’t even know what brand of tampon is the most absorbent!

Simple answer:
Just cut to the fucking chase, post two pic’s of your self.

1 with make up and 1 without. We will choose which is more bangable. If no one votes on either then… well… yeah… sorry… atleast you’re not Lebell?

I remember seeing an old schoolfriend at a bar and saying hi (we’d been out a couple of times, but had been little more than kids).
I commented on how different she looked, as she was wearing make-up, and it really accentuated her already pleasant looks.
She demurely said something like “my face won’t always look like this, you know”, alluding to the fact that her make-up perhaps smoothed over some rougher edges.
“I know”, I said gallantly “sometimes you’ll have my cock in your mouth”.

Oddly, the relationship didn’t make it much further.

Makeup is evil and must be destroyed.

you smooth talking limey bastard…

Lol, clearly she has no sense of humor.

I dont mind make up on a woman, done nicely. As for wearing it, i do. Just eyeliner and lip gloss mostly. Unless it’s like a wedding or some special occasion and i’ll put foundation on.

Now, people who do thier hair and makeup and go strait to the gym to work out i will never understand.

Oh c’mon…

It ain’t all bad, eye liner can really add a certain something to one’s overall look.

… From what I’ve seen anyway…