Girl, 14, escapes abductor using her fists

Girl, 14, escapes abductor using her fists

A 14-year-old girl escaped from a would-be kidnapper by hitting him on the nose yesterday afternoon.

The girl was walking south of the Victoria Park subway station, near Denton and Victoria Park aves., around 3:30 p.m. when a man in a blue car called out to her.

When she ignored him, the man jumped out of the car, chased her and grabbed her from behind.

She struggled to fight him off, hitting him on the nose and running away. The man got back in his car and drove away west along Denton.

The suspect is described as white, in his mid-30s, with curly dark brown hair and a beard.

He was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt, light-coloured blue jeans and white shoes. He was driving a blue, two-door car.

The suspect might also have a bruised, broken or bloodied nose.


This is like 7 min away from me by bus

Hooray! Violence does solve problems!

Good for her.

Reminds me of Mark Hall vs. Koji Kitao.


Violence is no solution, but it always makes for a good first approach. :biggrin:

Violence is rarely an option. But when it is, its the only option.

Glad she struck him and ran-its a proven fact if she was taken in the car probably would not have come out alive-el lobo blanco