Gina Carano Sex Tape

So Kit Cope in his infinite class had a few choice words about Xtreme Couture as well as hinting at a sex tape that he has of the fine Gina Carano…do enjoy his speachafication

YouTube - KIT COPE TALKS GINA CARANO sex tape and rip on Xtreme Couture


What a fucking scumbag.

God I hate MMA “fans.”

Stay classy, guys.

Its hard not to be at least a little in love with Gina.

Tape pls.

His “sex tape” is probably the towel-hidden weigh in for her last EliteXC fight.

[quote=War Wheel;2169095]Its hard not to be at least a little in love with Gina.

Tape pls.[/quote]

It’s impossible not to be. I fully admit that.

But that doesn’t mean I’d like to see her privacy violated like that.

[quote=JP;2169102]It’s impossible not to be. I fully admit that.

But that doesn’t mean I’d like to see her privacy violated like that.[/quote]
Considering how shy G is, she would probably die of embarassment if that happened. Let’s hope Kit has more class than that.

She really is something else, I’ve gotta say. If all women were like that, the world would be a bolder, better place.

He had enough of a lack of class to bust that shit out on the radio.

Guy must be hurting for attention. Lets hear it for the ex.

Well we can dream, right? We can dream.

[quote=JP;2169173]He had enough of a lack of class to bust that shit out on the radio.
I am assuming it was “color”. They seem to still be close. If I were her, I would be most offended by the “I’ve crushed way hotter” nonsense. Although he did pay appropriate homage to her boobs.

Well we can dream, right? We can dream.

Yep. We can also go to the men’s room and lock the door.

actually, while I wouldn’t call him classy, he wouldn’t give sauce re her tits, and he kept trying to get the topic back to technical stuff and his comments about the gym are addressing points that apply to several orgs right now.

Kit Cope does have a nutty personality, that’s true. I remember seeing him on something where he was packing for a week or something and he’s like, “I’m pretty broke right now so I’ll I’ve got is sponserwear, I hope they don’t care if I mix and match”

I lol’d

On the UG, Kit says it was a joke.

Well that’s good to hear.

It’s actually a Cyborg sex tape.

I am of the opinion, it wasn’t a joke, he was serious -or- wanted to be seen as serious, got served with a nice stack of Cease and Desist papers and thought better of his open pie-hole and is now in full deflection mode.

Gina’s has the best stack of Cease and Desist papers in the biz.


if he was serious, and she made it and gave it too him/they made it together, he absolutely can talk about it, as crudely as he pleases. He might not be able to release it, but he would have the defense of truth RE just saying he has it.

I knew there was a reason I liked you.

If you make a sex tape, you’re hot, and you’re famous, someone will release it. That’s common knowledge at this point.

So while it would be really shitty for G if that actually happened, I can’t exactly feel bad for her. Since she should know that about sex tapes.

YouTube - The Office: The More You Know 2

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