
[marquee] Oh sorry, i didn’t realize you were afraid of WCers… [/marquee]

It is a scientifically prove principal that BJJers spontaneously combust whenever they try to use their skills outside of mats, rings, or octagons. I wish I had known this before I started paying for lessons, but oh well. It’s sort of like how kung fu people fight much better if their voices do not match the movements of their lips.

Dude, i dont talk while i fight. I’m to busy kicking your ass.

God, we shit up alot of threads… I need a better hobby while i’m procrastinating.

No. I didn’t say I did, now did I? I don’t care enough about the lot of you to notice your pathetic attempts at “humor.”

Nice try though.


Anyway, this thread was a guy complaining that FFF and FsFF are stealing his material. I don’t think even the Vince/Syberia team of thread wreckers could do any more damage to this sucker.

… Dad?

Anyway, this thread was a guy complaining that FFF and FsFF are stealing his material. I don’t think even the Vince/Syberia team of thread wreckers could do any more damage to this sucker.

I’d be annoyed if someone stole something of mine. Though, it is hilariosly funny.

Who’s your daddy?

On a more serious note, I try to only really let my stupid side show in trollshido. As I understand it, it’s like graveyard of threads that the mods judge to be screwed up beyond all hope of repair/just plain dumb.

And I think FFF and FFsF are funnier than this dude. He he he…akido!:gwbdance:

That what trollshido is all about man. Good times to be had though.

FFF and FFsF are funny- magic pants and all that.
Meh, i still like sushi- he’s cool.

I tried to wage a flame war with him in one of these threads, but he made some horrible pun about David Hasslehoff and I just lost all my motivation to post insults and accusations of homosexuality. It was strange.

With MJS, yeah, that was a terrible pun…

Bad puns = ghey

I dunno, I kind of admire someone who can post a hideous one like that on the interwebz for all the world to see. In the same way I admire the old African American kung fu movie star that actually stepped up and fought Royce Gracie in one of the early UFC. (BJJ won again, in case you care.) While we’re on topic, what are your kung fu classes like and which style do you study?

There is something HAWT about FFF and FFsF. The same cannot be said for MJS/Sushi.

Well, FFF has threatened to travel to Mississippi to wreck my shit (I feel kind of honored actually) so I guess I had better stop posting and do some push ups. Good night, all.

I do Shoalin Kung Fu (I know stfu)- I study under two martial monks. There is a fair bit of conditioning involved (i’m including the forms there), which i like. And partner drills.
I haven’t done any sparring, there isn’t a specific sparring class or anything. but i’ve been there less than two months so i’m not worried. I’m not looking to be a d34dly fighter anyway.

And i’m not surprised that BJJ won. Most KF doesn’t take into account take downs. And once you’re on the ground it’s thier game. If i want to round my fighting skills i’d take up BJJ or something.

Bullshido’s three worst posters think I’m less funny than people who steal my material.

i think you’re funny. :slight_smile:

I’m not pissed so much as I’m appalled at the blatant plagiarism.