So, I have returned to Bullshido to continue to blog about my training.
I have repeatedly tried to blog about my training on some of my own pages, but I get too bored with myself,
and also appreciate the comments from the people here that are in the know.
My first blog on Bullshido was basically about me discovering the shiny new world of modern martial arts, in contrast to the internet-less martial culture that I had been raised with.
My second blog on this site actually featured some pretty decent training,
but was probably overshadowed by my year-long and luckily fairly successful battle with clinical depression.
This third blog will hopefully tell more pleasant stories,
especially since the next year has more than enough potential for awesomeness:
It looks like I will be sidelined from December '10 until late September '11,
while waiting for the start of a sort of post-grad program.
This leaves me with almost an entire calendar year without long-dated contractual obligations, and will grant me the opportunity to live up to my
screen name and travel a bit.
Therefore, this blog will probably be part travelogue, part training account,starting with next Thursday,
when I finally get back to regular training after the first exam term ends.
Training-wise, my possibilities in MMA will obviously be limited due to the frequent relocating.
Because of this, and because I am not sure if my health insurance will fully cover the gap year, I will postpone my ambition to get into ammy Kickboxing or MMA,
and focus on general, overall fitness and strength training.
For now, my goal until next year solely consists in mastering the kettlebell:
I am currently training with a 16 kg weight.
If I can comfortably handle the 24 kg kettlebell next year by this time,
this will already be a big accomplishment in my own eyes.
If I could snatch myself a blue belt in BJJ in addition to that,
that would already be far more than I would expect as of today.
As a mid-term goal, I want to work on my conditioning,
so that I can comfortably perform a hundred pushups and crunches
by the end of the exam season in late November,
in addition to twenty pullups.
As of today, I weigh 73 kg on a size of 5’ 8’'.
Let’s see how that will change once I begin with a good (non-“I have to study and eat what I find in the fridge”) diet again.
As always, I will appreciate any input on the matters of life and training,
and wish everyone else good luck on their own endeavors to suck less/get better!
Honor y fuerza,