Get Paint for Less

Here’s a scam that just occurred to me while at the local big box building centre. I didn’t try this, nor do I suggest you do. Consider it for discussion purposes only.

While ordering some paint, I noticed they have a rack of mis-tint all at a flat price… about a third or less than regular price.

So the plan goes like this: Order the paint you want. The good stuff. Don’t skimp. Walk away.

Later, come back to the store and check the mis-tint rack. Grab your paint and take it to the cashier.

This is basically a variation on Abby Hoffman’s free pizza scam which no longer works due to caller ID. (Order a pizza with weird toppings for a bogus address. Pick up your free pizza behind the store when they throw it out.)

What in the hell?


Edit: Since this is Loot, Liquor and ladies… are we to suppose your going to huff it?

I’d say this belongs on Sociocide, but I’m not even sure where it’d go over there.

I thought it was “loot”.

Like the sirc coin thingy.

Don’t know how do sociocide. :eusa_thin I guess it’s like purgatory.

I think that if you did Sirc’s coin thing, that is “loot.” The paint thing is a scam/theft.

Ah… “loot” vs. “looting”. I thought I was so clever.

I won’t object if you condemn this thread to Trollshido.:pottytrai

Well, i see no flaws in your scam…er i mean plan.

Have you tried it?

why would you want to steal paint?

I haven’t tried this.

One man’s “stealing” is another man’s “exploiting a loophole in the sales order process”.

Personally, I’m not so much interested in actually beating the system as I am in thinking up ways to beat the system.

my dad was the manager of a hardware store… this shit would have never worked

it’s my understanding that they routinely retint the rejected/returned paint before marking it down to prevent jackassery such as this.