this is a good question:
are gays allowed to become good fighters?
this is a good question:
are gays allowed to become good fighters?
All of them except you.
tharuz, you’re a moron.
i did it for the lulz
no srsly. they would be discriminated man. they like have their own wrestling league
A tai chi moron ‘doing it for the lulz’. Is that your excuse for taking it up the ass?
Actually all the best fighters are gay, but deeply closeted. The famous ones are given wives and girlfriends by the promoters for public appearances. That’s part of why Jenna Jameson now looks like a robot and not the lucious porn star she once was. SHE IS A ROBOT.
Really, the problem is with straight fighters. They’re all ass-clenching chumps.
And you have problems with this, clearly.
Ass-clenching is a bitch move in the Octagon!
By definition, it’s a bitch move anywhere…especially pleasing to those who like a tighter fight (snugger buggery, the squeeze that pleases, whatever).
tharuz=the ruse. Troll.
Of course not, didn’t you know it’s against the law to fight AND drop anchor in poo bay?
I often place my penis in my gf’s anus, its fun.
Woah dude.
You’re telling me that all the BJJ and wrestling guys there aren’t gay?
I mean c’mon man. Have you ever seen a singlet? More importantly, have you ever seen a triangle?
Wait, Rivington’s a gay guy? I thought he was just a pro wrestling fan, like me.
(Is crushed by lack of pro wrestling fandom on this board, begins to hum “One is the Loneliest Number”)
Rivington is not gay. I’ve enjoyed his posts on the Laddies thread though. He’s such a thoughtful guy.
troll, ban plz, thxkbye.
Everyone puts their penis in your girlfriends anus. She’s just real friendly like that.
Only difference is, we don’t call her “mom”…
…and her tail wags differently when it isn’t “in the family”.
Ok guys…my style is a joke.
I have never practiced tai chi, all I know is some emo kid taught me “the broken star” wrist strike