Gay clubs

I think I’m giving up going to straight clubs around here. I went out with two girlfriends from college this weekend, and they really wanted to go to a gay club because they’d never been- I hadn’t either at that point. I didn’t really want to go though, so I convinced them to try going to “the” club around here, everybody always tells me how great it is. It’s the trendy club drill: We get in after paying a ridiculous $12 cover, and find ourselves in a tiny club so packed with jackasses and douchebags in striped shirts and armani exchange logo belts that there’s literally no room to even dance. The men are old, and the women are old and dirty looking. We leave after some fat cunt who kept bumping into me the whole time pulled a weapon and got wrestled out by security into the ass-kicking room. We decided to go to the gay club at that point- what do you know, it’s 10 times better. Better music, people are friendlier, atmosphere is much more fun, the only people who hit on your dates are misguided lesbians, and other men grab your ass and crotch. But aside from that, it was much better and we decided to stick to going there whenever we go out, the most fun we had at any club since we were in college. Obviously, this doesn’t count for everywhere, but is sure as hell counts for Seattle. I know it’s the “trendy” thing to go to gay clubs, and I hate following any trend, but honest to god it’s such a nice change. Anybody with a similar experience?

100% with you on that. the thing is that my missus doesnt like the attention she gets when we go to straight bars, whereas im an absolute attention whore, so gay clubs are great for that. she doesnt get sleazy fuckwits touching her, and i am proud in the knowledge that half of aucklands gay community is willing to take a slice at me.

the music tends to be pretty good too, no abba etc all good dance music with class DJs and everyone just has a good time.

haha, exactly. The only girls who talked to me were telling me their friend thought I was really cute followed by "WHAT?? Really??? when I told them I was straight, and the only men who talked to my dates were asking them if I was straight.

I’m behind you on this one…er…not literally, I mean I’m with you…not WITH YOU with you uh…I agree. The men tend not to hit on you when you don’t make eye contact with them because your gaping at all the hott women who frequent gay clubs to avoid getting gawked at all night (suckers!!) I usually have a pretty damn good time when I go out with the gang of ladies and dance all night. Plus the gay community knows how to party, they go all out, if you’ve never been, bring shades cuz your mind is going to get fucked. (and hopefully thats all )
Think 6ft 5 250lb tranny wearing angel wings and a diaper, or going into the hip hop room and seeing the burliest most thugged out G’s grinding up on each other and making out. What the F@*K???
I like it alot because no matter how weird I think I am, in a place like that no one even notices me. It rules. No aggression, no competition…think about it.

F-in’ awesome… Been there, its like, 'Oh really? Sweet! Who is she? Ohhh… Right. Houston, we have a problem."

That’s just the way it is. Gay clubs have way better atmospheres and people in attendance. I take it you headed out to Capitol Hill?

Gay clubs have better music, better drugs, cooler vibe and hotter women (go figure). Plus if you play your cards right you can get free drinks all night.

I thought feedback was actually gay.

You know it- Neighbors!

No, I just have a thing against stereotypes and like making intolerant people uncomfortable IRL.

Feedback’s other interests include knitting, wearing his sister’s jeans, and snorting coke off his own dick.

Yup, those are feedbacks other interests.

where did you learn to twist yourself like that?

From Frank Shamrock.

I thought you said you were with her?

Gay clubs rule

On the + side:

  • You’re one of the only men in the room who is even willing to put your penis in a woman, and just your being in a gay club frames you in a non-threatening way. Score.

One the other + side:

  • If you’re incredibly vain I[/I], then the constant feeling up you endure can be viewed in a positive light.

My missus wants to go to a gay club because her friend is a gay club promoter. I am a macho traditionalist but now I’ve read this I am thinking of reconsidering.
I don’t go to clubs anymore to pick up women as I am engaged, just to have fun, and straight clubs are hassle when you go with your woman. I tend to go to hip hop clubs and then even though we don’t get bothered you have to give every dude considering going near your woman the ‘death stare’.
These gay clubs sound like much less stress. But on the negative the idea of gay men touching me up fills me with horror. Maybe not

I have always found that you can never stereotype clubs. Me and my mates went to hip hop clubs for years and never got into a fight, and then one night we go to this student indie night and these skinny guys with long hair pick a fight with my mate, and then try and sucker punch him. It all kicked off and we got kicked out just before I grabbbed some big fat fuck in a clinch so I could bite his ear off (I know, I know)

I think in a hip hop club everyone is scared to start a fight as you don’t know who the other person is, while in the indie club you assume they are pansies.

I will have to try this gay club thing with my bird. But don’t they look in a hostile way at straight couples? My missus told me the bouncers are told not to let in straight people as she used to go to gay clubs all the time with her promoter buddy

QFT. I used to date this girl who one time convinced me to go to a gay club not far from where she lived (after a chaotic trip to a ‘normal’ club that was just full of asholes.) I cannot deny that I was uncomfortable to the idea, but the athmosphere was a thousand times better and people were much nicer and decent. Everybody was very corteous. Pple would ask me and my girl if we were gay; we would say no, that we were just for the music, and people would live at that, just to talk and dance.

That’s how adults should behave in a club. Too bad that’s the exception rather than the rule.

I would consider this a MAJOR fucking drawback.

yeah well, you get used to it like a girl gets used to having her ass grabbed I guess

I can assure you I would not get used to some dude grabbing my equipment. Ever.