Fucking cops...

I just got pulled over again (5 times in 2 weeks) by the cops. This time they took action and finally did something about it.

I was meeting my friend at the local high school with another friend as sort of a rally point for us to follow one another to a house we’ve never been to, when out of the blue I see a cop drive by and he immediately speeds in the parking lot. He waves me down and starts yelling at me to get out and turn off my phone. I continued to talk on my phone until he literally grabbed it from my ear and turned it off. For the next 10 minutes I hear of why we shouldnt be in the school. The thing is I wasn’t listening and he decided to have a pop quiz at the end. I didn’t know a single answer to his questions. Well this infuriated him to the point of checking my license and registration. He asked to search my car but being that it was locked I said no and he mumbled something but I don’t remember. Being that I have cops in my family I know their usual Q&A scheme. Theyll ask the same questions over and over but in different forms to try to get you to slip out information being withheld. About the 3rd time he posed the WHY ARE YOU HERE question I told him I had police in my family and that I knew what he was trying to do and just to stop wasting his time because I wasn’t falling for it. He gets even more pissed. Then he tells me my class of license doesn’t allow me to drive past midnight and that I need to call someone with the proper class to come pick me and my car up. Well I had to call my mom and dad and they were even more pissed. To top it off he makes me walk around the school with him to ensure that there is no vandalism done. He gets more pissed when I let him know that there are cameras around that would have caught me doing it. Cops dont like smartasses.

Lesson(s) learned: Don’t let a cop take your cell phone away.
Update your fucking license.
Stay away from schools, regardless.
Cops don’t like it when you answer a question correctly.

Totally ruined my poker playing night.

Whenever an authroity figure gives me shit I pull out a dectuple neck guitar and rock out with Satan, causing them to recoil in shock and drop their monicle into their champagne glass.

Well, you have your ways and I have mines.

They usually just lecture you and let you go on your way. I always just listen politely and leave. I avoid trouble that way.

A person can’t give you trouble WHEN YOU ROCK WITH THE POWERS OF THE UNDERWORLD.

Reconcile the following:

“I always just listen politely and leave”


“I told him I had police in my family and that I knew what he was trying to do and just to stop wasting his time because I wasn’t falling for it.”

Luckily for you, being an assclown isn’t a crime or you’d be looking at some serious time.

And you didn’t why? How hard is it to say, “I’ll call you back dude”.

…I continued to talk on my phone until he literally grabbed it from my ear and turned it off.

I’d have done the same thing. Are you deaf or just stupid?

For the next 10 minutes I hear of why we shouldnt be in the school. The thing is I wasn’t listening and he decided to have a pop quiz at the end. I didn’t know a single answer to his questions. Well this infuriated him to the point of checking my license and registration.

Serves you right. You could have avoided all this crap by just humoring him at best. Then, you’d be on your way. But no, you had to act like a spoiled brat.

He asked to search my car but being that it was locked I said no and he mumbled something but I don’t remember. Being that I have cops in my family I know their usual Q&A scheme. Theyll ask the same questions over and over but in different forms to try to get you to slip out information being withheld. About the 3rd time he posed the WHY ARE YOU HERE question I told him I had police in my family and that I knew what he was trying to do and just to stop wasting his time because I wasn’t falling for it.

Or maybe he was just doing his job to find out why a teen, young adult, senior citizen, or whatever you are was doing on school property during the middle of the night? You could have maybe TOLD HIM.

He gets even more pissed. Then he tells me my class of license doesn’t allow me to drive past midnight and that I need to call someone with the proper class to come pick me and my car up. Well I had to call my mom and dad and they were even more pissed. To top it off he makes me walk around the school with him to ensure that there is no vandalism done. He gets more pissed when I let him know that there are cameras around that would have caught me doing it. Cops dont like smartasses.

Lesson(s) learned: Don’t let a cop take your cell phone away.
Update your fucking license.
Stay away from schools, regardless.
Cops don’t like it when you answer a question correctly.

Totally ruined my poker playing night.

Nobody likes smartasses. I hope your mommy and daddy tell you to get fucked next time you try to pull shit like that next time. Spoiled ass fucktards like you who want attention for doing stupid shit is why we have such fucked up youth. Maybe the 6th time you’ll make friends with Bubba in the local lockup and save us all the trouble of telling you how much of a bitch you are.

(PS. Much animosity comes from me having lots of Cop friends who deal with pissants like this on a daily basis. None of which are smart or mature enough to treat the officers with respect. But the first time they get their bike stolen, who do they call?)

Just like all other mammals … some cops suck … some are really cool and really trying to do the “right” thing . I general see how they approach me before opening my mouth .

If the police officer walked up and just told me to get off my phone I would tell him I am contacting my lawer and he will have to wait a couple seconds . If you dont have a lawyer tell them your calling your parents so they can contact a lawyer for you .

If he asks nicely or requests it … then damn right I am gonna put it away after saying my goodbyes to the person on the phone its the polite thing to do when someone needs your attention .

As for you being in a school parking lot at night … thats about silly as all hell … this is 2005 we are living in … you cant just hang out in a car in a public place at night .Much less a fucking school , people will think your a god damn terrorist set on painting the spirit rock or stealing the schools computers to sell , in order to fund a gun/drug deal or something .

Yeah, but you and I both know that it wasn’t the cop at fault here. It’s not like Knightmare said, “Just a second officer, this is a really important call” or “I’m calling my lawyer” or anything. He just kept talking to show defiance.

Not a damn thing in his post screams, “I’m a law abiding, upstanding citizen who is mature in my ways and has moral integrity”. But it damn sure says, “I’m a spoiled brat kid”.

And seriously, what the hell is he supposed to think? Who the hell meets up at a School at night anyway? Why not come to your house or a gas station or something? If you’re on school property at night then you most likely are up to no good. Thinking it’s your “right” to be there is a fucked up mentality held by spoiled brat youths.

I agree I was posting to show that YES some times cops are bitches on a power trip … other times its the suspect thats being the dick head . It really honestly sounded like Knightmare was high as hell or atleast appeared that way in with his behavior and the lack of access to his short term memory .

You would have to be fucked up to think meeting at a public high school after hours was a good idea …

I remember the last time I got in trouble with cops, campus cops… yeah got a talking to for 10 minutes then it turned out we had friends in common, talked h2h for like an hour, and inquired about getting a job at the station. Nothing came of that, but all the same.

You attract more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, r something like that.

You’re a moron for not responding immediatly to the officer. You may have the right to be an idiot, but don’t be surprised if that results in a duely appointed officer of the law exacting his right to treat you like shit. You were loitering in a sensitive (since Columbine at least all schools are sensitive) area after midnight and you probably weren’t wearing a suit and tie holding a briefcase with the words “awaiting my taxi cab taking me to the policeman’s ball” emblazzened upon the cover.

In conclusion knightmare, you’re a whiny bitch who wasted an officer of the law’s time, time that could’ve been better spent protecting the community from something other than a brat who thinks he has the right to ignore authority.

Oh, uh and anarchy in the UK, whatever.

Fuck off.

I won’t say I haven’t run into power tripping cops before. But you can defend against that by just being respectful and knowing your rights. He can only do what is in his boundaries. If you know your boundaries, you can prevent a cop from taking advantage of you. Still, you shouldn’t be insubordinate. If anything, be respectful and calm.

Fuck the police.

Fuck, fuck, fuck the police.

Oh, uh and anarchy in the UK, whatever.

I am an antichirst!
I am an anarchist!
Don’t know what I want, but I know how to get it
I wanna destroy the passer by

'Cause I wanna be anarchy!

I haven’t heard that song since I was twelve.

First off, what the hell are you doing driving whilst on the phone. You are one of these idiots who kills a kid every year because you ‘had to take this call to your mate’. Laws are put in place for your safety, but MORE importantly the safety of everyone around you.

If a cop pulls you over you should be praying that you are not going to get arrested, not thinking of ways to defy him.

You have cops in your family? So why are you giving the policeman a hard time? Are you a complete as*hole?

People see the uniform and think ‘pigs’, forgetting that the police save people’s lives everyday and still put up with the abuse they get form people like you. Did it ever occur to you that there may be an operation going on near the school? Or that the policeman might actually know something you don’t?

I wish that cop had blown up your car ‘Judge Dredd’ style - that would have been fun

No cop ever has to save my ass from anything, that’s why I’m learning an MA.

Seriously, 50% sit their asses inside their cars and eat doughnuts and give out speeding tickets and yell at people. The other 50% do the real work. The other 50% I respect.

Just like any job - I don’t think any company has a workforce that doesn’t skive.

No cop ever has to save your ass? So if someone set fire to your house while your on holiday you wouldn’t mind? Unfortuantely we live in a world where we DO need the police force.

MA won’t save you against guys with guns etc

So what? I can just get my own damn gun.

Thats all very well, but how do you identify what cop belongs to what group?
Do you have a questionnaire or something?

The fat shits who yell at people are the ones who sit in their car all day. The muscular, lean ones that rarely talk are the real thing.

You carry a gun everywhere you go? What a great life you live