Fraud by Poster

Mr. Doug Carducci is in fact a fraud.

He used to approach me and others at a local bar in the area askinf for help with this business of his.

He was trying to run this “academy” out of a rented out storage space, converted to be something like a dojo. He would attempt to convince us all of his great business ideas, while begging for people to buy him a drink or bum a smoke.

It didnt stop there, in fact the guy was openly cheating on his girlfriend with numerous other patrons of the bar. Several times he has injured his trainers or “mindless lemmings” to the point of them havnig to go to the ER.


Um okay… I wouldn’t reccomend directly calling someone a fraud, this website doesn’t seem to be as anonymous as you would think.
Anyways it looks like his dojo is shut down now. Whether it’s because of the reasons you mentioned or his obvious lack of knowledge on the topic of “MMA” is up for debate.
I hope he’s training BJJ somewhere under a good instructor and bettering himself, he’s definitely young enough to give it another try down the road. Older, smarter, and more skilled.

If his dojo is no longer open, tell your friend not to go there. Open places could provide access to actual training and closed places can’t. If the closed place is a nice place to go to not train though, then it would be a good place to go to not train.

This has been a public service message from the International Masters Of The Obvious Society

[QUOTE=TheMightyMcClaw;2343258]It looks like ninjutsu and TKD trying to do MMA.
Which, in all honesty, is still probably better than ninjutsu trying to do ninjutsu.[/QUOTE]

This is true, however they lose points for the hair so are back to the level for ninjers doing ninjutsu

[QUOTE=Tom .C;2546590]If his dojo is no longer open, tell your friend not to go there. Open places could provide access to actual training and closed places can’t. If the closed place is a nice place to go to not train though, then it would be a good place to go to not train.

This has been a public service message from the International Masters Of The Obvious Society[/QUOTE] Maybe you should look at the dates on posts before you post something fucking stupid like this again. Threads get necroed when something needs to be added, like adding that the dojo shut down. This thread will last for a long time and if this guy trys to open a gym again it will still be around.
I’m not even really friends with that girl anymore and I live three states away now. I was just curious if this place ever produced any fighters so I went to their site and saw that they had shut down.
p.s. If you were trying to be sarcastic and I didn’t pick up on it, I apologize.

Necro stupidity.

[QUOTE=NoTeefa;2547852]Maybe you should look at the dates on posts before you post something fucking stupid like this again. Threads get necroed when something needs to be added, like adding that the dojo shut down. This thread will last for a long time and if this guy trys to open a gym again it will still be around.
I’m not even really friends with that girl anymore and I live three states away now. I was just curious if this place ever produced any fighters so I went to their site and saw that they had shut down.
p.s. If you were trying to be sarcastic and I didn’t pick up on it, I apologize.[/QUOTE]

OK THEN!!! Tell your ex friend to train there. (you’re not very good at advice stuff, are you?)

hmm, I put this in YMAS in the first place so it could be fun and not overmoderated… but whatever, its all the same I guess. Cheers bullshido

Hmmmm, Year old thread with someone being called a fraud? I guess you forgot how that isn’t tolerated regardless of where it is at even YMAS and trollshido. Yes, even bans have occurred in YMAS and trollshido.

Yeah, Whatever.

[QUOTE=NoTeefa;2547873]hmm, I put this in YMAS in the first place so it could be fun and not overmoderated… but whatever, its all the same I guess. Cheers bullshido[/QUOTE]

You want some real fun? Taser yourself in the nuts, tape it, post it on youtube as “Idiot Tazes His Own Nuts”.