I am afraid to truely Flame frankdooks the way he deserves because I fear I may be mocking a mentally handicapped child. Does anyone else share these concerns?
I am afraid to truely Flame frankdooks the way he deserves because I fear I may be mocking a mentally handicapped child. Does anyone else share these concerns?
He’s either a very straight-faced troll or deranged.
I vote for deranged.
"frankdooks: Troll or Mental Midget? "
Can he be a deranged troll ?
I am neither. I am a ninja.
“I am neither. I am a ninja”
I believe that says it all
Why are you afraid to make fun of the handicapped
Voted rapist.
Ninjas are kinda flaming anyway…you know…jumping around in those silly pyjamas and stuff.
I am the Shogun,I need ur assistance~~~
well he’s certainly not a very good troll.
This is yet another example of why reproduction should NOT involve close family members. Take heed, rednecks, Tasmanians, New Zealanders, trolls and other lower forms of life
please do not compare me to a new zealender…
I stand by my last post - Ninjas are queer.