Forum detritus #472

Yeah-that’s gross. My gym has no smell to it. The mats are also scrubbed down once a week and put up after each class, so no hairs or dust laying about on them. It’s pretty gross to warm up for class and see hairs all over the mat and a thick layer of dust. Not to mention the risk of catching something off the dirty mats. Take a little pride in your school if that sounds like yours. I recently went back to my old school to train and it was clear that no one was cleaning the mats-dust and curly hairs all over. That won’t fly with women.

I really like this guys stuff my only problem is in there not alot of instructors out there who mix high level BJJ with GAP. I like to use strikes to open alot of positions but when you show up to a class it’s like your either working one or the other.

Post #1 excised from:

Post #2 excised from:

People really need to read this stickie before they try to post in Advanced Grappling.

Is this a real number that you’ve kept track of over the years, or is it just one you made up?

[QUOTE=soldiermedic25;2544066]Is this a real number that you’ve kept track of over the years, or is it just one you made up?[/QUOTE]
It’s an approximation. I started in the 300’s so it’s pretty accurate from that point on.