Forum detritus #466

[quote=HereBeADragon;2449195]Contact like JKDChick pointed out is a big part of it. A lot of women are not comfortable being that close to a bunch of guys. The guard seems to especially freak some out. Its largely a cultural thing as there is a great deal of intimate contact in grappling and that can be difficult for some women, and men, to handle initially.

We had some degree of success at my school with getting female students and I would attribute that to strick codes of conduct among students and the cultivation of a friendly competative atmospher. Many times I recall people remarking that our gym did not feel like other MMA places they has been.

We also made regular use of gi’s instead of the t-shirt and shorts that a lot of MMA gyms use, we still rolled like that too but we had gi nights as well so it was a bit more balanced. Female students tended to show up more on the gi nights than the no gi nights.[/quote]

This, let’s be honest. especially with the women who don’t know much about fighting. they WILL feel sexually uncomfortable. they KNOW how guys can be horn-dogs. the gaurd will make them feel very akward. anything that is close to their boobs will make them feel uncomfortable.

best ways to get women to stay is more women training :D. I’m sure there are other ways. maybe you can be honest of the close contact before training.

I personally have no issues at all being tapped out by a girl and I find it AWESOME! :XXbazooka

Excised from: How To Get More Women Into Grappling - No BS MMA and Martial Arts