Forum detritus #452

I can see why the guy lost the fight, he didn’t take the guy down and he didn’t pass guard, no points. When he did establish side control he didn’t advance his position at all, but seemed happy to stall/hold down. The other guy even waived his arm around begging to be arm barred…I can see why the ref thought the other guy showed more fight in the stand up with a couple of near take downs.

And Danno, lolz at the Brazillian barb, every one knows the Brasas have the real jits, maybe its time to find a new school

[QUOTE=gmanau;2414174]I can see why the guy lost the fight, he didn’t take the guy down and he didn’t pass guard, no points. When he did establish side control he didn’t advance his position at all, but seemed happy to stall/hold down. The other guy even waived his arm around begging to be arm barred…I can see why the ref thought the other guy showed more fight in the stand up with a couple of near take downs.[/quote]

points should have been given for position, so he should have won the match.

[QUOTE=gmanau;2414174]And Danno, lolz at the Brazillian barb, every one knows the Brasas have the real jits, maybe its time to find a new school[/QUOTE]

not sure what you mean. i should find a new school with brazilians? can’t tell if you’re joking or not.

Excised from: Question Blue Belt Gi Video from NAGA - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

Jnp is n ur advgrap forum! Protectin mah thread!

glad to see someone else thought that post was as retarded as i did…

So Danno , is my post still retarded?

I was joking about where you train, I know you train at SPMA.

JNP any comments?

Henno put up a good argument and could be bothered arguing the point, I couldn’t, and probably wont bother contributing to the forum again

i thought you were serious about the brazilians/finding another club thing.