I am an eskrimador, and some of the styles I use with my jeet kune do is doce pares, san miguel, lapu lapu, and others. This art was used by military forces for ages, world war 2 for example by the late leroy giron, a well respected grandmaster US ARMY staff sergeant/soldier who have effectively proven this great art against japanese samurai imperial soldiers(back then would be called special forces) by various special forces members whom I met at a filipino martial arts convention in 1993 in los angeles. The navy seals,marines and various army special forces utilizes it for their use today.
The movie: THE HUNTED with tommy lee jones is a good example of kalipunan/arnis/eskrima is depicted, kuntao-silat and dumog is also found in the filipino arts. Many kajukenbo practitioners like myself also learn kali/eskrima in their system. you will find disarming/grappling techniques in kali that originated from chinese chin na, since the philippines were influenced by them before the spaniards, where fencing was also introduced. The moros in the south also have a very large influence on the various styles.
Danny inosanto has good books on historical information regarding the filipino arts and so does mr. babao, a historian and has his own style, and friend of danny inosanto
Perhaps you should get your facts straight before you post. Learning to type properly would be great as well.
All posts by Gerbilkungfu need to be Trollshidoed immediately.
I was debating if he was an idiot or a troll. Probably both.
what I said were facts YOU FUCKING MORON!. MY DAD fought in that war you fucking scum. You wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for real ESKRIMADORS like the late leroy giron. DON’T EVEN USE THE WORD ESKRIMADOR. fucking loser. I’ll challenge your sorry ass to a death match anyday fucking coward. You know nothing of the filipino arts. You sound like stupid ass bjj moron! I’m a filipino who’ll defend his cultural arts you piece of shit eskrimador6 WANNA BE!
YOU’RE THE TROLL YOU FAGGOT. come down to san diego and challenge us filipino eskrimadors and find yourself in the gutter where you belong, piece of shit!. both you and eskrimador6, another moron, talk a lot of shit on the internet, but out on the streets, you’d be crying like SISSIES which you both are. I’M SICK OF YOU WANNA BE MARTIAL ARTISTS young punks! shows how stupid and uneducated you druggies are!
You posted information that was blatantly incorrect and were proved wrong. We have no reason to believe anything you say.
I"m filipino and your insecure self-righteous attitude does nothing but bring shame to humble escrimadors everywhere. (filipino or not)
and yeah. my ancestors died in the bataan death march and fought in WW2 in guerilla tactics too. that doesnt’ establish your legitimacy nor your condescending attitude.
You are not the end all be all of filipino martial arts and FMA does not belong only to filipinos but to everyone who wants to learn. Your ignorant intolerant attitude and those who share it are the reason FMA has never risen to popular prominence.
The so called “facts” you state are mostly anecdotal or lack significant empiracle evidence (historical or otherwise) to back it up. No one is questioning the legitimacy of FMA.
You are just stating the “Ham it up” stories that many guros like to tell. Some of them are based in fact. some of them aren’t. People here are hardly ignorant of FMA. If you’d like to engage in a serious discussion regarding your historical claims I’d be happy to oblige. make a post for it in the FMA section and we’ll debate civilly.
as for the challenge match.
I hope you live near texas because I’ll be more than happy to join you in a challenge match in my gym if you like.
I prefer single stick, espada y daga or stick & glove. but you may choose the ruleset you want.
PM me if you really want.
My only condition is that the fight be videotaped and posted here whether I win or lose.
that’s because you’re a fucking COMMUNIST ISLAMOFACIST PUNK. You’re not a filipino who’s old enough to know the history of the filipino arts. You neither met danny inosanto and leroy giron. Leroy giron was a US ARMY SOLDIER in world war 2 who fought the japanese like my dad did. my friends and his uncle have many historical facts on such.
Respond to my post please.
Your arrogance is quite repugnant and a prime example of racism in and of itself.
There is a line between cultural pride and racism and you’ve crossed it.
Claiming your father or your ancestors as authority does not make you an authority on FMA. Put things in context. you know how filipinos are just as well as I do. (I’m visayan, parents from bacolod in the province and illoillo).
Bashing people and using these logical fallacies only make you look ignorant. Make a thread. organize what you consider facts and we will debate your claims civilly.
and I guess you aren’t near texas.
I will be heading to california in the next few months.
Where in san diego is your gym and who do you train under?
You can’t be a Communist and a fascist. Please pick one or the other.
I am not Islamic. I’m Buddhist.
Where in San Diego is your school?
you’re response shows that A, you’re a typical “PUTE” and your long paragraphs shows YOUR IGNORANCE of the FILIPINO CULTURE AND THE LIES RACIST MORONS LIKE YOU SPOUT with your mouth. I have nothing to share with idiots like you. You’re response, in the philippines WOULD GET YOU KILLED. You’re lucky you live in the U.S. where’s there’s somewhat a little bit constitution left thanks to LEFTISTS communist like yourself.
In regards to a true ESKRIMADOR, the philippines does have DEATH MATCHES in eskrima which morons like you would refute because you know LITTLE of the art YOU FOOL!
I AM SPEAKING AND DEFENDING THE FILIPINO ARTS, IT IS OUTSIDERS like yourself who steal, manipulate and DEMONIZE the people from whom the arts come from.
I don’t fight your sissy gym or school fights, I fight for real and can back it up with my fist and weapons. MORONS LIKE YOU ARE JUST LIKE THE BJJ FAGS who demonized and put down chinese and other asian martial arts. JAPANESE JIU JITSU is far more effective than that crappy bjj, your version of what you call FMA, which is a lot of styles that you nothing of is just like BJJ, a bastard VERSION of the filipino fighting arts, kalipunan/arnis/eskrima, dumog etc. your psychotic comments is the result of your demented brain.
YOU DON’T STAND A CHANCE AGAINST FIGHTERS LIKE US! why won’t you come down to san diego and fight in the streets. Real fighting has no RULES!
the school concept is a western idea not eastern. a school can be a temple, can be a house, can be a garage or the park.
figures. PACIFISM doesn’t work! though buddhism has it’s history of violence. DALI LAMA is a troublemaker. Tibet belongs to china and there’s nothing he or his followers can do to claim it as a separate country, that’s like TEXAS claiming itself to be apart from the U.S.
THERE’S NOT MUCH DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND FASCISM in regards to the end result. I choose to pick both, YOU’RE BOTH in your mentallity!
this site is just like the morons from YOUTUBE! a lot of TOUGH GUYS talking tough thru the keyboard.
Training FMA is about having a good time. Sometimes I get to be the drummer, sometimes I get to be the drum. All this political crap is boring. I understand the passion can get some people fired up but can’t we just get together over some lechon and beers, hit each other with sticks and have a few laughs?
whatever you say MASTER OR MASSA…we don’t belong to a gym or school, we train the underground way. I’m tagalog and proud of it.
I speak my mind and there’s nothing you and your WHITE WASHED mentallity can do about it. You and others like you just don’t like PEOPLE EXPRESSING THEMSELVES the way they should. I guess you would have no problem defending muslim imams in new york, england and the middle east trashing the U.S. and non muslims do you?
but you have no problem trashing OUTSPOKEN constitutionalists like myself. 1st amend
ment means FREEDOM OF SPEECH, that means freedom to SPEAK whatever it is on your mind. I’M FAR FROM IGNORANT, it’s the other way around based on your premises!
The difference between your KIND and my KIND, is that I’m from a FIGHTER KIND, your from a PACIFIST KIND, doesn’t mix too well! You have your false facts, I have my true facts and I’m sticking with it and I will fight for it!
I never claimed to speak ONLY on behalf of the filipino martial arts, I speak to defend it, not like you, YOU SPEAK TO DEMONIZE those who defend it from outsiders!
That is the problem of the philippine history is the DIVISIONS from people like you.
Everything you said so far just ADDS to the fuel. Don’t think i don’t share these responses to my fellow eskrimadors and friends who I am OPEN MINDED enough to learn from. You have your idea of what the filipino martial arts is, WE have ours and don’t be like a muslim, try to force your beliefs down our throats or it will be war!
Is that all you have? mouthboxing?
By your own admission. as a Filipino
By the way.
I can’t be racist against my own ethnicity you moron.
I’m proud of my ethnicity. I was quite active in my Fil student association
and the state wide phil student of texas organization.
I’m all for promoting Filipino culture. but not with hate, arrogance or condescendence like you.
funny you mention divisions. You are the one propagating the concept of “outsiders”
all I see is people interested in FMA or curious about it and people who actually train in it.
I can’t be an outsider if its been in my family.
If I have direct cultural roots just as direct as yours.
If you want to fight " for real"
I’m game for when I get to cali this summer.
Doce Pares is no bastarized versions. It was formed by 12 different old school FMA grandmasters. My doce pares teacher has a direct line under the canetes and the percival pablao(the guy on the human weapon FMA show who broke jason’s finger)
Modern Arnis is remy presas his reputation speaks for itself
Pekiti Tisria is Leo Gaje and his reputation speaks for itself as well.
as for underground training. Pshh. whatever. you won’t even mention how long you’ve been training or how often you sparred. whether you’ve competed and what rulesets you’ve used.
You are a insecure, prejudiced moron.
There is no “outsider” or “insider” there is only FMA and the fight.
The real masters know that conflicts are solved in the fight. not by talking this shit.
and yeah. I’ve trained in the PI during my visits there. I voice my opinion and have civil debates with people on claims. Sometimes due to respect I don’t argue with the much older masters because they deserve respect.
however you have shown nothing that deserves respect.
You want to real fight. PM me and let me know
This is a formal gong sau challenge.
that means i’m willing to fly down this summer (or earlier if i got the time and $$$) and take you up on your offer.
by the way. BJJ is just focused Judo ne-waza for the most part. Judo is JJJ minus all the crap used in context for armor/weapons and the stuff that depended on brute strength.
CMA failed for awhile because of the communist government and the cultural revolution forcing wushu on everyone. with the SanDa ruleset it’s making a slow come back.
There is no superior art. There are only superior fighters and better training methods.
by the way where the fuck did all this muslim republican bullshit come from.
I’m a independent christian protestant. Bashing people via religion is ignorant.
Attack individuals based on their actions. not their religion. Pretty funny considering some FMA has alot of muslim roots.
stick to the fight talk.
Accept the challenge
or bitch and mouthbox away like a internet coward.
don’t be scurred. I’m only 5’5 / 5’6" @ 147 - 153lb.
and remember my conditions. I bring someone to videotape the fight and it gets posted whether I win or lose.
If this happens for real can we have a video of it to embed on the FMA page of the encyclopedia?
That’s one of the main conditions of the fight that I will not back down on.
I fully intend to post the video, win or lose.
I hope he accepts. I need something to look forward to after the Texas Kali Association tournament next month.
edit: I apologize for getting this thread off track.
If he wants to make claims he needs to not act like a holier than thou jerk about it.
he claims not to speak for FMA then considers everyone but himself outsiders and claims everyone here doesnt’ have the r34l FMA.
Just watered down stuff.
funny considering we have one or two dog brothers posting here occasionally
and other people who’ve trained FMA for longer than I’ve been alive.
Just thought I’d ask since this is the thread for discussing the encyclopedia. Oh well it turned out to be a good read anyway.
you can challenge me anytime BUT WITH NO RULES AS FAR AS I’M CONCERNED.
You’re a young punk. we’ll fight in the the streets.
I can take you out very fast!
you’re like the gracie fools, BY RULES AND BY A DOJO…
you can find me and my friends in tierrasanta and mira mesa area in san diego.
I do not fight for your stupid collegiate tournaments, I FIGHT FOR REAL STUPID!
if cowards, non military like you who’s never been in combat can deal with that, keep trashing and see who SURVIVES!
you’re a typical filipino nigger, or uncle tom! the word is actually “EGGOT!” or baluga!!!
by the way, i’m a lot older than you, you have no room to speak in regards to experience and skill level and real experience. I guess your mommy has pampered you all of your life piece of shit.
i’m 5’5" down to 183 and considered the strongest in L.A. FITNESS and respected for my fighting abilities with my army unit. shut the fuck up if you’re not willing to fight for REAL!
only cowards talk shit like you! I back down to no one, but what I found out from idiots and brainwashed people like you over the internet is that you’re all talk and good at the keyboard.
I can tell you’re a damn liberal democrat, demented brain. Get this thru your thick skull…
FREEDOM OF SPEECH…I can say whatever what I feel like, and my fist does the talking and swords if you disagree. guys like you are an ARTIFICIAL FLIP or filipino, no understanding of the islands nor filipino americans. I’ve lived here longer than you fool, and i have defended this country a lot more than you fool. don’t tell me anything about filipino history. You have suffered jack shit . Your the kind that would have sided with the imperial japanese in world war 2. If you think you can challenge me, you better bring a body bag!