Fliggle Flaggle Arggle Barggle Asland

The last few years a i have contact with a guy in our home town who is a 7th degree self ranked school owner.he has developed his own style and calls it taekwondo karate.made up forms,no fight training at all,says he feels uncomfortable rolling around on the floor with young girls.

They train forms almost exclusivly for the local tournament scene.he will create forms that fit voids in the tournament divisions so he and his students will win.he himself was competing in the senior creative kata divsion but after losing several times.he added a cartwheel to his kata and now competes in the senior extreme division.the only competitor in that divsion btw.After his stunning victory he parades his trophy around.

My daughter earned her black belt with this guy in 9 months. she didnt test until 13 months because that when the test was held, but she timed out in 9 months.12 years old.he needed a 12 year old blackbelt girl who could do extreme because the tournament circuit didnt have any competitors in that divsion.

Of course i moved her out of there shortly after that.We ran into Mr Pedrick at a tounament last summer.when he seen my daughter he walked up to her.acted like he was coughing and called her a traitor.he did this about 4 more times.After discussing this with the promoter,he told ben to leave her alone.

Ben then walked over to where she was competing and booed her when she walked out to do her presentation.He also booed her when she finished her kata.Keep in mind he is 45 , she was 13.

Shorly after this happened,bens girlfriend, a 24 year old instructor, walked up to my daughter and bumper her in the chest and asked what she was looking at in a challenging jesture.

Ben has a history of belittling his students when they perform poorly,he challenged one of the 18 year old students to fight outside in front of both of my daughters one of which was 7.because the student plced 5th a tourny in chicago.

This is a picture of there last blackbelt test.note the 12 and under blackbelts that fill the front row.He tests all blackbelts every 6 months for degree.for a fee of 300 dollars.Several 16 year old 3rd degree bb.s.He tests all underbelts every month.50 dollars for a belt and 25 for a stripe.My daughter double tested 5 times in 9 months

His bb certs are not recognized anywhere.They have midwest taekwondo alliance as there affiliation.which his own creation.

Maybe its nothing but ,i felt this would be a good place to find that out.

I am a an aikido practioner but my daughter likes sport karate incase anyone wonders how we met this guy.

this is Mr Pedricks website;

Making up dance-katas, self promoting to high degrees, belittling lower ranks, nickel-and-diming belt promotion etc etc are the things that give martial arts schools in general a bad reputation and are usually indicators of phonies. And from what you describe, don’t leave your child in the presence of these people.

Try Tae Kwon Do (make sure it is WTF or ITF), Judo, wrestling, or non-head-contact boxing or kickboxing as good combat-sport activities that are well organized and usually free of odd acting characters.

Ever wonder why martial arts lessons in a strip mall storefront, 2 or 3 days a week, should cost much, much more than organized sports like baseball, basketball, soccer, football, boxing, wrestling etc that practice daily and for longer sessions? Ever wonder why you need to sign a contract in advance and pay up front? And when they tell you that most people quit and don’t make it to black belt they imply because the quitters are not good enough or lack desire…? Beware of scams in martial arts. They outnumber honest schools and clubs.

Not MABS worthy. He is a McDojo school and sounds like an asshole. Still, it does sound like sour grapes on your part.

You do know that he just said Creative Kata Division. You do know that means they are required to make up forms. No, that doesn’t prove the guy is a phony.

Try Tae Kwon Do (make sure it is WTF or ITF), Judo, wrestling, or non-head-contact boxing or kickboxing as good combat-sport activities that are well organized and usually free of odd acting characters.

Both of those TKD orgs are just as disorganized at times.

master ben

I will admit there is some sour grapes but, The five unearned stripes and booing students,calling them traitors,and challenging a student to a fight outside in front of young kids.goes a bit beyond being an asshole.imho.

Teaching only made up bunkai-less kata without any fight training at all,is also damaging to martial arts.

If this guy isnt a phoney or detrimental to martial arts, i dont know who is.

He advertises tkd/ karate and teaches his own creation. I dont see any tkd or shuri ryu he claims to be incorporating.Have you heard of an open box block or a flying vee block?

Of course this is just my opinion of him.

Based on the web site, it looks like a typical TKD McDojo to me. He sure has a lot of students for someone with such a shitty program. I did notice in the grand nationals section, they participate in point sparring…once again, typical TKD school.

Looks like almost every TKD daycare that I have seen. Cool pajamas too!

will publically insult the parents who dont support him at his practice tournys, Also expects everyone to sell candy to pay for his comptetion teams entry fees.

Guys a real tool.

he has alot of students because there is only 2 creative tkd schools in the area.he also promotes very heavily in the school district. He has a turnover rate of about 95 percent.Ill bet he signs up 30 new students a month and loses 28 of them.

Everyone has to sign a 6 month deal.people quit because he starts offending them by hitting on the moms, or insulting the kids.He then uses his collection agency to hawk down the people who couldnt handle it anymore.

he has 4 ,8 year old blackbelts.

will publically insult the parents who dont support him at his practice tournys, Also expects everyone to sell candy to pay for his competition teams entry fees.

Guys a real tool.

will publically insult the parents who dont support him at his practice tournys, Also expects everyone to sell candy to pay for his competition teams entry fees.

Guys a real tool.

You spell like a teen and post like one as well. Do you really think posting the same thing over and over helps you? You already said it is sour grapes. You are destroying your own credibility.

I hit the send button twice,not intentionally, i tried to edit the first one off but i wasnt able to.

Is there a reason why you would attack a new member who is tryng to figure out the format of a new forum?

just asking

You have implied he likes young girls but, is misogynistic.
You imply he threatens other competitors.
You imply he is a lecherous man.
You call him a phony.

You are basically engaging in character assassination.

Yet, the only thing confirmed is that you have a feeling of sour grapes.

Tell me, as an adult, how that looks.

We are not a vendetta board.

So you took your kids out of the school…and…what? He is a typical TKD Mcdojo. Seriously, this is nothing new. You said your peace, now move on.

i did not say he likes young girls, i said he dont teach them self defence because he dont feel comfortable rolling the floor with them.I said he hits on the moms.

i didnt say he threatens other competitors, I said he threatened one of his own adult blackbelts in front of his young students.

You shoot 50 caliber words out of a 22 caliber barrel like misogynsitc.which you have no clue of the definition or misinterprated more stuff.At no time did i say he has any hatred or dislike for women.I said he hits on the moms.I believe this would be the opposite of dislike.I try to keep my barrel choked down to words I dont choke on.

So in your attempt to be a forum king know it all, you used two words that are exact opposites of each other for the same person.neither of which had anything to do with my post.

Further more, i thought my spellling was the issue as this was your reason for attacking my first post on this board.

btw, i followed your interrogation of master jules.39 pages and couldnt take him down.i did it in a week.You atrtacked his credentials, not his experience.Anyone can fabricate certs and post them on a facebook page.

His claims of being the founder of the CQB because his goju instructor asked him to develope his own style for his 6th stripe.CQB has in place for years.No respecting goju sensei will ask his student to develope a style outside of there own for rank.
You let an obvious troll lead you on a 39 page farce because you kept chasing his tail.instead of going for his head.

have a nice day

if you want to take down a tree attack the trunk not the branches.

Yeah, so anyways, you are adding nothing to this discussion. You are saying the same thing over and over. What is the point of this?

You are not alleging that this guy is a fraud. All you are doing is giving one opinion about his character. Wippydo! You don’t like him as a person. Great! So now you can feel better about your self.

We will see you in a couple of years when your aikido instructor hits on your wife.

excellent post diesel ,well thought out.

I wasnt saying the same stuff, I was correcting the mistakes. made by somone other than you.It almost seems you have no stake in commenting on my post to fake.

Your comment about my instructor hitting on my wife was brilliant.
didnt someone mention posting like a teenager?


ahhhhh the crys of the forum ninjas.gotta love it

Since you want to play semantics, you said nothing of the sort. You said he makes up forms and won’t roll with 13 year old girls. That’s weird because Karate and TKD are striking arts. Why would he “roll” with girls?

Shorly after this happened,bens girlfriend, a 24 year old instructor, walked up to my daughter and bumper her in the chest and asked what she was looking at in a challenging jesture.

i didnt say he threatens other competitors, I said he threatened one of his own adult blackbelts in front of his young students.
Look up implication. Your poor sentence structure leads to the implication he intimidates and threatens competitors.

You shoot 50 caliber words out of a 22 caliber barrel like misogynsitc.
I’m sorry I have an education, I’ll make sure to dumb my words down to make you understand what I mean. The implication in your continued diatribe…sorry Everything in your rants is describing…sorry speaking about a man that sounds misogynistic…oh I mean has a type of hatred for women.

Google is not your friend:

hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women.

which you have no clue of the definition or misinterprated more stuff.

Says the guy that doesn’t understand the word “imply.” How about you look that word up before you spout anymore nonsense? No not the definition the explanation preferably a medical/psychological website.

Your homework for today is antonym, misogyny, imply/implication, and semantics.

At no time did i say he has any hatred or dislike for women.

Implied. See above. Notice my sentences and the liberal use of the word “imply.”

Now, where in the above definition does it say you can’t have a girlfriend? Many people that are called misogynists are married or have a girlfriend. So, having a girlfriend does not preclude (remove) you from being misogynistic.

I said he hits on the moms.I believe this would be the opposite of dislike
You are an idiot aren’t you? Misogyny is a form of disrespect towards women. He has a girlfriend, ignores 13 year old girls, boos female competitors, hits on moms, which implies marriage, and uses women in intimidation tactics. That would be disrespectful to the women he is hitting on and the woman he is dating. Plus, it is an insult to the husbands as well.

I try to keep my barrel choked down to words I dont choke on.
Instead of using gun analogies, how about you trade one in and get a dictionary?

So in your attempt to be a forum king know it all,

Forum Leader get it right.

you used two words that are exact opposites of each other for the same person.neither of which had anything to do with my post.

Look up antonym and get back to me.

Further more, i thought my spellling was the issue as this was your reason for attacking my first post on this board.
No here is my first post, notice, no mention of spelling:

Not MABS worthy. He is a McDojo school and sounds like an asshole. Still, it does sound like sour grapes on your part.

This is what upset you to the point you are now lying about my “attack.”

btw, i followed your interrogation of master jules.39 pages and couldnt take him down.i did it in a week.You atrtacked his credentials, not his experience.Anyone can fabricate certs and post them on a facebook page.
His claims of being the founder of the CQB because his goju instructor asked him to develope his own style for his 6th stripe.CQB has in place for years.No respecting goju sensei will ask his student to develope a style outside of there own for rank.
You let an obvious troll lead you on a 39 page farce because you kept chasing his tail.instead of going for his head.

Hahahahaha yet, there are hundreds of Go

have a nice day

if you want to take down a tree attack the trunk not the branches.

Classic Red Herring. Ben is not Master Jules. Your attempt at redirection is a failure.

asland-get used to getting your butt ripped with the thin information you gave us in your first post. Everyone gets ripped on here, no matter who you are. It keeps things fun. As far as trying to figure the website out, there are stickies at the tope of the page that are there to help you out. They have a bold print that says, READ ME.

If you are calling him a fraud you need to supply some more information, because his website gives us nothing. What are his credentials? Has he lied to you about anything that has been found to be false? What makes you think he needs to be investigated and/or outed? These things would be helpful.

It is great you got your daughter out of the school. Now you need to find her a good school to train at. And yourself as well. Are you close to Chicago? I know a few guys there that would be great places to train.

master ben

thx searcher,i seen the stickys but, i like to see how things work more than read about it.I tried to delete the first post but, it told me the post was too short.I tried to add words to make it longer but it didnt work.
Seemed harmless at the time.:slight_smile:

My post about ben was weak but, i was basically feeling out the forum.
Im not one to kick the door open and announce my presence on a forum anymore than i would in real life.

As long as ive been doing these forums,i have learned there is always a forum king sitting at the door waiting to belittle his next victim so, i just stuck my head in the door and said hello.Sure enough there he was,not only the forum king,but the man himself.he humbly welcomed me to his site by calling me a teenager.He then corrected me calling him the forum king, " I am the forum leader"as a little trumpet sounded in the background.

There ares till some old timers who consider the king to be the leader but, i stand corrected.i guess.

anyway ,yes my oldest daughter is now in middleton wi.with mike welch.she also competes on the naska circuit.

She also still competes in chicago. This incident with ben happened at Larry Tanksons event in Chicago.

Thx for kind responce.Im going to read my antonym dictionary so i can communicate with fake more effectively.

up is down, left is right.etc etc etc.

master ben

At what point in my op did you see where i implied ben had a dislike for women?Im not asking for your assumption but, my implication

The fact that i said he doesnt like to roll on the floor with young girls.and the the fact he teaches tkd.Maybe just maybe i was referecing the fact that he is a phoney.wseome job of picking up the lead in but , failed miserably at interpretation.

ummmm something simple here,the king is the leader."that almost sounded like something from Robin Hood men in tights.“I am not the leader, im the king” ???

Classic here.
He hits the moms, this implies marriage?

I have never seen a single mom in a tkd mjdojo before.

My poor sentence structure said specifically, he challenged one of his blacbblets to a fight in front of my kids.So there was not an implication.There was an assumption again but, not by me.
Any misundersatnding there wouldnt be on me.

You keep throwing the imply around.yes i implied alot of stuff.almost none of it fits your interpretaion.

its like this fake.
i implied its red, you come back and say i implied it was a color,no i implied it was red.your ego laeds you into way too many interpretations.read it for what it says.

where did i say he ignores 13 year olds?

I said you used two completly different words for the same person.one meaning was he has a dilike for women.the other being a strong like for women.
you told me to look up antonym as your reason for saying this.
yes antonym is the opposite of each other,thats very good fake but,…whats your point.Are you confirming you used two completely opposite words for the same person or what?

Im starting to see why jules slipped your grasp.

You better change your shoes, im here to dance.

He sounds a lot like either this guy

This guy,

Or this guy.