The last few years a i have contact with a guy in our home town who is a 7th degree self ranked school owner.he has developed his own style and calls it taekwondo karate.made up forms,no fight training at all,says he feels uncomfortable rolling around on the floor with young girls.
They train forms almost exclusivly for the local tournament scene.he will create forms that fit voids in the tournament divisions so he and his students will win.he himself was competing in the senior creative kata divsion but after losing several times.he added a cartwheel to his kata and now competes in the senior extreme division.the only competitor in that divsion btw.After his stunning victory he parades his trophy around.
My daughter earned her black belt with this guy in 9 months. she didnt test until 13 months because that when the test was held, but she timed out in 9 months.12 years old.he needed a 12 year old blackbelt girl who could do extreme because the tournament circuit didnt have any competitors in that divsion.
Of course i moved her out of there shortly after that.We ran into Mr Pedrick at a tounament last summer.when he seen my daughter he walked up to her.acted like he was coughing and called her a traitor.he did this about 4 more times.After discussing this with the promoter,he told ben to leave her alone.
Ben then walked over to where she was competing and booed her when she walked out to do her presentation.He also booed her when she finished her kata.Keep in mind he is 45 , she was 13.
Shorly after this happened,bens girlfriend, a 24 year old instructor, walked up to my daughter and bumper her in the chest and asked what she was looking at in a challenging jesture.
Ben has a history of belittling his students when they perform poorly,he challenged one of the 18 year old students to fight outside in front of both of my daughters one of which was 7.because the student plced 5th a tourny in chicago.
This is a picture of there last blackbelt test.note the 12 and under blackbelts that fill the front row.He tests all blackbelts every 6 months for degree.for a fee of 300 dollars.Several 16 year old 3rd degree bb.s.He tests all underbelts every month.50 dollars for a belt and 25 for a stripe.My daughter double tested 5 times in 9 months
His bb certs are not recognized anywhere.They have midwest taekwondo alliance as there affiliation.which his own creation.
Maybe its nothing but ,i felt this would be a good place to find that out.
I am a an aikido practioner but my daughter likes sport karate incase anyone wonders how we met this guy.
this is Mr Pedricks website;