Surfing the Discourse Cesspool — The Worst Fringe Takes on Social Media

He’s literally selling an otherwise plain t-shirt with “Got God” on it for $28 each. I don’t think that’s satire. Dude’s a grifter.

Almost sounds like a business plan. Say stupid shit that people will buy, and sell it.

Taking advantage of people is wrong. It’s twice as wrong when you invoke a belief in God to do it, because religious people are particularly vulnerable.

There’s no effective difference between this, and Joel Osteen, save the profit margins.

Anyway, imma just quote someone quoting me on this:

There is no God. You might as well argue that it’s twice as wrong to take advantage of people that believe in vaccines, or global warming.

That is the magic that I think you might be missing. He’s Colbert, redux. The guy is hawking magic crystals and magnetic hoohahs and cleansing beverages, but plays like he’s some uber-MAGA fanatic. Sometimes peanut butter and chocolate are not good friends.

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If he’s making fun of right-wing conspiritual dipshits, it’s completely lost on his core audience of right-wing conspiritual dipshits.

Occam’s razor in this case, he’s just a right-wing conspiritual dipshit. The GurusPod guys did a good breakdown of his shtick a couple years ago:

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I’ll give it a listen

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Sounds like a smart businessman to me.

He’s way more sophisticated, that’s for sure.

Ok buddy, you do realize this isn’t Crusty Fart Forum and exists for a specific purpose, right?

Oooh, let me guess.
Is it, Gay Porn?
To collect Chili recipes?
To be ready if the aliens are real?
Squidward Tribute site?
Or, is this a Jacobs’ Ladder kind of thing, we are all already dead, and Danny Aiello is a massage therapist?

@Phrost please stop picking on @submessenger

He’s sensitive

Skip the remake, btw.

We have a mission here. If you’re going to argue in favor of unethical business practices or exploiting people, get the fuck out of the community.

I’m not playing about this. Take your tee-hee puckish shit elsewhere.

Sociocide, batshit, fringe, galaxy brain…

Right, for you to pseudo-flex about yourself.

OH, that’s hilarious. The religious people are particularly vulnerable…

OMFG, I nearly spit my coffee on the keyboard.

I had no idea you were capable of such humor.

I didn’t even read this before I posted about you pseudo-flexing about yourself.

Who is arguing in favor of that here?

If you want to do the Facebook thing, go back to that world.

You said, in response to a known grifter:

Idunno, I post what I think are informative stuff over on the “serious” part of the Forums, based on my local knowledge of a certain strain of Bullshido, that is a lot more widespread and organized, and more effective, than ANTIFA.

And they are a lot of those vulnerable, religious mid-wit smooth brained, right-wing conspiracy theory batshit nutbags, that basically just need to be made fun of to combat.

In order to inform and entertain.

I mean, I’m no whatever that ginger grifters name is, but, I have my moments.