Surfing the Discourse Cesspool — The Worst Fringe Takes on Social Media

Don’t go polluting this conversation with your “privileged,” terms that pretend at greater credence. Everyone knows that song from Close Encounters was real, and almost all the tech from Star Trek (up to and including pulse drive) is at least science-interesting, if not science fact. Look at the Hindenburg! Thermite? They didn’t even know what thermite was!

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Important foreplay material.

Explain this:

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I’m with Dr deGrasse Tyson. Just think about what all the military UFO video comes from.

Encoding? Comes up normal for me.

Somebody has been playing too much Stardew Valley, and not enough time within a mile of an actual tomato.


Layer 1: Remember? Rudy G goes full gangsta.

Layer 0: Read this, and remember the “Italian” part.

Layer -1: Oops!

Layer -2: WTF.

Wait for it…

Read this while you do.

Layer -3: Italygate.

Reminder: Italy gate is when Rudy Giuliani tried to use a very high level CIA leader to help Trump reverse the 2020 election, with batshit reasoning right in line with this thread topic.

I’m struggling a little to find his actual post. IT might have been Zucker’d after I read it.

That’s an actual game? Some idiot has been flooding my Nonagrams app with that shit for months.

Layer -4: Oops, Part Deux.

Key section:

One email dealt with the “Italygate” conspiracy theory, the Times said, adding that Rosen refused to set up a meeting with a former CIA agent pushing the claims online.

That statement I bolded is the understatement of the decade so far.

Wait until I can…remember his actual power level. I think I compartmentalized it somewhere, but it’s a lot.

Totally! An oddly addictive game with some unexpected elements, such as alcoholism and void chickens, which you wouldn’t necessarily expect in a farm simulator.


Layer -5: The Real Deep State: Paranoid Spook Edition

Brad Johnson, who, according to his LinkedIn page, served as senior operations officer and chief of station with the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations and is now the president of a group called Americans for Intelligence Reform.

Que Revolver, Que FOX, Que Tucker, Que Q.


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I just wish I read this 5 years ago

I’d be frickin’ rich!!!111

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Anything that starts with “This book is for lovers of Truth” is going to ask you to take them on blind faith, if an almost if not actual religious nature. I say this because way too many religious texts start that way.


Ok Mikey’s note, here’s a lost gem connected to that, and the coup attempt.

This isn’t even the worst. You can spot the cult brainwashing, the redefinition of basic things like “common sense”.

This woman was shot by a federal officer for going to war against the government.

Classic Hearst Scenario.

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