We recently got a a Judo instructor agree to come in and teach Judo twice a week and no gi judo on saturdays. Today was supposed to be the first official class.
I freed up my entire morning for a chance to finally expereince a judo class. Excited to actually put my chi sao and force deflection skills to use in grip fighting and learn all kinds of awesome breakfalls, I arrived 30 minutes early.
Shortly thereafter I was informed the Judo guy was not coming in that morning. Meh no problem… I figured I’d just try to make it in on thursday… but, no… turns out he’s not coming in at all.
I have my theories on why he decided to flake on us and it could very well be that the presence of a wing chun warrior was somewhat daunting… Admittedly I was planning on using my chain punching and bong lap combination in randori but only after I’d gotten to get a feel for the opponent and I was more interested in applying my terrible tai chi push hands skills.
If that is the case, it’s truly a shame… while I am flattered that my aura could potentially cause such a reaction it’s too bad as I was really hoping to gain some judo skills, and I feel bad that the other prospective student’s won’t get the chance either… curse the long reaching reputation of my furious chain of Apocalypse bringing foom.
-Sigh, it is a heavy burden indeed to be trained in such a deadly form of martial arts… But, neverfear my comrades!
I, wingchunx2z shall preservere… I know in my heart of hearts that one day in my martial arts journey I will have a proper judo class and in that class the boundaries of randori shall not be able to withstand the overflowing might of my endless chain punch.
Until that day I remain fathfully a ninja.
ps: After learning this news, heavy hearted and depressed, I made my way off the mat and prepared to leave without training when a fellow student with the rank of purple belt approached me and asked to roll. I happily agreed eager to commense the imminent ass kicking that I always recieve upon grappling with anyone who’s belt is any shade of the color purple.
We had a pretty good roll until I was able to get full guard from a jailbreak halfguard. From there, I attacked an omo’plata from a rubber guard setup I learned on submissions 101 on youtube. I nearly finished it, but as I learned it seems it is possible for the person to roll through adn re- omo’plata you while you have your feet windshield wiper’d to the side and are leaning forward.
And so, my valiant efforts were crushed as I got re omo’plata’d and eventually subbed.
Then I left and went home, took a shower and watched my copy of Ip man: the legend begins to study techniques to improve my double leg takedown.