Fighting for Underhooks

This question is in regards to stand up wrestling. Does anyone have any tips for sinking in double hooks and getting a good bear hug? More specifically, trying to avoid getting stuck in your opponent’s overhooks.

My favorite thing to do when wrestling is get underhooks or a bear hug and send them flying. I’m pretty good at it but I find myself getting caught in overhooks a lot. I also HATE overhooks and can never do anything with them.

I wish i had an answer, but my wrestling is just fucking horrible.

all i know is that at my gym the wrestlers emphasize that when you’re double under you’re either really high or really low, not in the middle.

i know i’m useless :frowning:

You have been here long enough to know that this thread belongs in Gitmo.

If you shit in my forum, I will flush your thread.

I do not understand why my question is illegitimate

Then read the stickies. You should be doing that before you post in any forum on this website.

DHS is for advanced grappling questions. Guantanamo Bay, or Gitmo, is for basic grappling questions. Your question is extremely basic.

Stop being stupid and start paying attention to the world around you. You have been registered on this site for more than a year. That’s long enough to read the stickies and/or pull your head out your ass in my opinion.

It’s not specific enough. How do I get double unders. Versus, how do I get double unders from an over under with head control on the overhook side when I’m looking for a sasae style takedown. The OP is just too broad to answer.