[quote=It is Fake;2150699]Kind of like the brain you were born without? Yeah, I’ll take your favorite claim, that I don’t have a sense of humor, as a compliment.
Of course I am. ANyone that has ever disagreed with you is petty and pedantic.
Now, how many times have you said this to how many different people?
See, you are petty and pedantic yourself.
snicker Get a fucking dictionary and figure out what you mean before you type things.
When you learn to post on topic in MABS I will. I only remove a few like the snake plisken derail.
Or you raaah rah posts.
I also move mine, Omega’s, Tom’s JC, Sircs, so on and so forth hell, I’ve even moved a couple of Phrost’s from the CMA forum.
Persecution complex much?
Oh wait I know the answer to that is yes.
That’s because you aren’t as funny as you think. Heck, I remember how pissed off you continue to get, anytime anyone disagrees with your assertions.
Yes, back in the day when dinosaurs roamed the earth you had all the insight in the world.
You have no humor.
Get a life why? The fact you are blowing your gasket again, for the millionth time, is hilarious.[/quote]
Your right about my sense of humor which is why I said attempt at humor. You know sometimes I realize I go to far that way, but everybody recognizes it as an attempt Fake. And truth is I apologize if I insult someone with it, i have in the past.
Believe it or not us dinosaurs serve a purpose here, its what you call that pedantic aspect. You don’t like it, too bad, your power trip bugs me at times but I see the good in you despite it.
I told you once I was dropping an issue between us and I did (much to your chagrin I suspect)… so I am dropping this issue as well. You know you went a bit too far on this one I suspect though Cq Faunce will surely massage you on this one. Live and let live I am sorry my way causes you pain and I mean that, it is not intentional… I know my attempt at humor rubs you wrong at times, I have to learn not to humor you I guess.
Peace be with you. And let me close by saying that xi can cotton to you moving my posts on accoutn of the fact you make a lot of good decisions abut threads that need moving, including the acquier thread. And yeah when you didn’t recognize the affect of my post (look it up some time) you did get me!!! you did manage to piss me off!!! so from congrats you win… I guess.