Fight Science II: Second Time's the Charm

“Fight Science II,” a sequel that will use CG visuals to anatomize the way U.S. special forces and other elite warriors take down their enemies


Rumors are floating around that this one is going to be MMA/reality combat oriented and will feature guys like Randy, Bas, and Dean Lister.

Maybe The Discovery channel finally realized how silly they sounded doing a serious martial arts documentary with million dollar equipment only to ignore basic principles of physics and then declare ninjitsu as being the ultimate in martial arts. Could this upcoming sequel actually be realistic and scientifically accurate? Stay tuned…

Sounds pretty cool.

I hope and pray they get it right this time. Damn ninja’s once again, ruining shit for everyone else. They did a few things right. The unfortunate thing, is that no matter how much they did right, what they did wrong, was very very wrong.